I have read The Little Prince for three or four times. However I still would like to read it again and again.

  Fortunately, when I hold the book again, I still have my love to the little prince and his rose.

11/26 The Little Prince's book review

  This is a book which Antoine de Saint-Exupery dedicate to a grown-up, his best friend who lives in France where he is hungry and cold. Antoine are sure that his best friend knows everything, even books about children. And he is more likely to dedicate the book to the child from whom this grown-up grew.

  There is a famous sentence in the dedication, which most of us have known in our senior school.

  "All grown-ups were once children-although few of them remember it."

  if you have read the book, you are more likely to know this two pictures. One is "a boa constrictor in the act of swallowing an animal". The other is "a picture of a boa constrictor digesting an elephant", which just like a hat.

  When you pay attention to the picture, you may get the truth: growns-ups can't see something clearly. They always need to have things explained.

  When you meet something that are beyond your imagination, would you ask others for explanation? In fact, if you see it in other perspectives just like a child, you may get something different.

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