Given a string, convert it to an integer. You may assume the string is a valid integer number that can be presented by a signed 32bit integer (-231 ~ 231-1).


Example 1:
Input: "123"
Output: 123 Explanation:
return the Integer. Example 2:
Input: "-2"
Output: -2 Explanation:
return the Integer. 思路1:用函数
思路2: 下标由小到大,依次取String字符串的每一位。(不知为啥,这个方法提交打败的人更多)
  1. 考虑正负数;用minus变量作为flag。遍历时,循环的初始值,也和minus有关,负数要从下标1开始。
  2. num = num * 10 + str.charAt(i) - '0'; 
    // example 1
    char a = '3';
    char b = '5';
    char c = a + b;

    // example 2
    char a = '3';
    int b = 5;
    int c = a + b;
    int d = a - '0' + b;

    example 1: c = 33 + 35
    example 2: c = 33 + 5 = 38; d = 33 - 30 + 5 = 8
    所以char加减运算时,会自动转化为 ASCII码。如果想取char的实际数值,要 -'0'. (如char a = '3', 想取3,则  a - '0' )


public int stringToInteger(String str) {
return Integer.parseInt(str);


public int stringToInteger(String str) {
int num = 0;
int minus = 0;
if (str.charAt(0) == '-') {
minus = 1;
for (int i = minus; i < str.length(); i++){
num = num * 10 + str.charAt(i) - '0';
} if (minus == 1) {
return -num;
} else{
return num;

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