

The Jasmine Module

The jasmine module is a package of helper code for developing Jasmine projects for Node.js.

The core of jasmine lives at https://github.com/jasmine/jasmine and is jasmine-core in npm.


This module allows you to run Jasmine specs for your Node.js code. The output will be displayed in your terminal by default.


# Local installation: 
npm install --save-dev jasmine
# Global installation 
npm install -g jasmine


To initialize a project for Jasmine

jasmine init

To seed your project with some examples

jasmine examples


Note that if you installed Jasmine locally you could still use the command line like this:

node node_modules/jasmine/bin/jasmine init


describe("A suite", function() {
it("contains spec with an expectation", function() {



describe(description, specDefinitions)

Create a group of specs (often called a suite).

Calls to describe can be nested within other calls to compose your suite as a tree.

Name Type Description
description String

Textual description of the group

specDefinitions function

Function for Jasmine to invoke that will define inner suites and specs

expect(actual) → {matchers}

Create an expectation for a spec.

Name Type Description
actual Object

Actual computed value to test expectations against.


  1. jasmine入门

    本文来自http://blog.fens.me/nodejs-jasmine-bdd 粉丝日志 张丹   前言TDD(Test Driven Development)测试驱动开发,是敏捷开发中提出的最 ...

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  4. JavaScript测试工具比较: QUnit, Jasmine, and Mocha

    1. QUnit A JavaScript Unit Testing framework. QUnit is a powerful, easy-to-use JavaScript unit testi ...

  5. 基于Angularjs+jasmine+karma的测试驱动开发(TDD)实例

    简介(摘自baidu) 测试驱动开发,英文全称Test-Driven Development,简称TDD,是一种不同于传统软件开发流程的新型的开发方法.它要求在编写某个功能的代码之前先编写测试代码,然 ...

  6. Jasmine测试ng Promises - Provide and Spy

    jasmine提供了很多些很实用的处理Promises的方法,首先我们来考虑下面的这个例子: angular.module("myApp.store").controller(&q ...

  7. Jasmine入门(上)

    什么是Jasmine Jasmine是一个Javascript的BDD(Behavior-Driven Development)测试框架,不依赖任何其他框架. 如何使用Jasmine 从Github上 ...

  8. Jasmine入门(结合示例讲解)

    参考: http://www.cnblogs.com/wushangjue/p/4541209.html http://keenwon.com/1191.html http://jasmine.git ...

  9. angular测试-Karma + Jasmine配置

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