
class SubClassName(parentClass,[,parentClass2,..]):


issubclass(Child, Parent),其中,child和parent都是class,child继承parent

class Parent(object):
parent class
numList = []
def numdiff(self, a, b):
return a-b class Child(Parent):
pass c = Child()
# subclass will inherit attributes from parent class
print(Child.numList) print("77 - 2 =", c.numdiff(77, 2)) # built-in function issubclass()
print(issubclass(Child, Parent))
print(issubclass(Child, object)) # __bases__ can show all the parent classes
print('the bases are:',Child.__bases__) # doc string will not be inherited
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
77 - 2 = 75
the bases are: (<class '__main__.Parent'>,) parent class None


  • super主要来调用父类方法来显示调用父类,在子类中,一般会定义与父类相同的属性(数据属性,方法),从而来实现子类特有的行为。也就是说,子类会继承父类的所有的属性和方法,子类也可以覆盖父类同名的属性和方法
class Parent(object):
Value = "Hi, Parent value"
def fun(self):
print("This is from Parent")
class Child(Parent):
Value = "Hi, Child value"
def ffun(self):
print("This is from Child")
c = Child()
This is from Parent
This is from Child
Hi, Child value


class Parent(object):
Value = "Hi, Parent value"
def fun(self):
print("This is from Parent") class Child(Parent):
Value = "Hi, Child value"
def fun(self):
print("This is from Child") #调用父类Parent的fun函数方法 c = Child()
This is from Child
This is from Parent #实例化子类Child的fun函数时,首先会打印上条的语句,再次调用父类的fun函数方法


class Parent(object):
Value = "Hi, Parent value"
def fun(self):
print("This is from Parent") class Child(Parent):
Value = "Hi, Child value"
def fun(self):
print("This is from Child")
super(Child,self).fun() #相当于用super的方法与上一调用父类的语句置换 c = Child()
This is from Child
This is from Parent #实例化子类Child的fun函数时,首先会打印上条的语句,再次调用父类的fun函数方法
_ _ name_ _:类的名字(字符串)
_ _ doc _ _ :类的文档字符串
_ _ bases _ _:类的所有父类组成的元组
_ _ dict _ _:类的属性组成的字典
_ _ module _ _:类所属的模块
_ _ class _ _:类对象的类型

copy from

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