通过hdfs fsck命令可以查看一个文件具体的Block、Datanode、Rack信息,例如:
hdfs fsck /tmp/test.sql -files -blocks -locations -racks
Connecting to namenode via http://name_node:50070
FSCK started by hadoop (auth:SIMPLE) from /client for path /tmp/test.sql at Thu Dec 13 15:44:12 CST 2018
/tmp/test.sql 16 bytes, 1 block(s): OK
0. BP-436366437-name_node-1493982655699:blk_1449692331_378721485 len=16 repl=3 [/DEFAULT/server111:50010, /DEFAULT/server121:50010, /DEFAULT/server43:50010]Status: HEALTHY
Total size: 16 B
Total dirs: 0
Total files: 1
Total symlinks: 0
Total blocks (validated): 1 (avg. block size 16 B)
Minimally replicated blocks: 1 (100.0 %)
Over-replicated blocks: 0 (0.0 %)
Under-replicated blocks: 0 (0.0 %)
Mis-replicated blocks: 0 (0.0 %)
Default replication factor: 3
Average block replication: 3.0
Corrupt blocks: 0
Missing replicas: 0 (0.0 %)
Number of data-nodes: 193
Number of racks: 1
FSCK ended at Thu Dec 13 15:44:12 CST 2018 in 1 millisecondsThe filesystem under path '/tmp/test.sql' is HEALTHY
1 当前机架(相对hdfs client而言)
2 远程机架(相对hdfs client而言)
3 另一机架
4 全部随机
private int findNewDatanode(final DatanodeInfo[] original ) throws IOException { if (nodes.length != original.length + 1) { throw new IOException( new StringBuilder() .append("Failed to replace a bad datanode on the existing pipeline ") .append("due to no more good datanodes being available to try. ") .append("(Nodes: current=").append(Arrays.asList(nodes)) .append(", original=").append(Arrays.asList(original)).append("). ") .append("The current failed datanode replacement policy is ") .append(dfsClient.dtpReplaceDatanodeOnFailure).append(", and ") .append("a client may configure this via '") .append(DFSConfigKeys.DFS_CLIENT_WRITE_REPLACE_DATANODE_ON_FAILURE_POLICY_KEY) .append("' in its configuration.") .toString()); }
Caused by: java.io.IOException: Failed to replace a bad datanode on the existing pipeline due to no more good datanodes being available to try. (Nodes: current=[server82:50010], original=[server.82:50010]).
The current failed datanode replacement policy is ALWAYS, and a client may configure this via 'dfs.client.block.write.replace-datanode-on-failure.policy' in its configuration.
private void addDatanode2ExistingPipeline() throws IOException { ... final DatanodeInfo[] original = nodes; final LocatedBlock lb = dfsClient.namenode.getAdditionalDatanode( src, fileId, block, nodes, storageIDs, failed.toArray(new DatanodeInfo[failed.size()]), 1, dfsClient.clientName); setPipeline(lb); //find the new datanode final int d = findNewDatanode(original);
private DatanodeStorageInfo[] chooseTarget(int numOfReplicas, Node writer, List<DatanodeStorageInfo> chosenStorage, boolean returnChosenNodes, Set<Node> excludedNodes, long blocksize, final BlockStoragePolicy storagePolicy) { ... int[] result = getMaxNodesPerRack(chosenStorage.size(), numOfReplicas); numOfReplicas = result[0]; int maxNodesPerRack = result[1]; ... final Node localNode = chooseTarget(numOfReplicas, writer, excludedNodes, blocksize, maxNodesPerRack, results, avoidStaleNodes, storagePolicy, EnumSet.noneOf(StorageType.class), results.isEmpty());
private Node chooseTarget(int numOfReplicas, Node writer, final Set<Node> excludedNodes, final long blocksize, final int maxNodesPerRack, final List<DatanodeStorageInfo> results, final boolean avoidStaleNodes, final BlockStoragePolicy storagePolicy, final EnumSet<StorageType> unavailableStorages, final boolean newBlock) { ... if (numOfResults <= 1) { chooseRemoteRack(1, dn0, excludedNodes, blocksize, maxNodesPerRack, results, avoidStaleNodes, storageTypes); if (--numOfReplicas == 0) { return writer; } }
protected void chooseRemoteRack(int numOfReplicas, DatanodeDescriptor localMachine, Set<Node> excludedNodes, long blocksize, int maxReplicasPerRack, List<DatanodeStorageInfo> results, boolean avoidStaleNodes, EnumMap<StorageType, Integer> storageTypes) throws NotEnoughReplicasException { ... chooseRandom(numOfReplicas, "~" + localMachine.getNetworkLocation(), excludedNodes, blocksize, maxReplicasPerRack, results, avoidStaleNodes, storageTypes);
protected DatanodeStorageInfo chooseRandom(int numOfReplicas, String scope, Set<Node> excludedNodes, long blocksize, int maxNodesPerRack, List<DatanodeStorageInfo> results, boolean avoidStaleNodes, EnumMap<StorageType, Integer> storageTypes) throws NotEnoughReplicasException { ... int numOfAvailableNodes = clusterMap.countNumOfAvailableNodes( scope, excludedNodes); ... if (numOfReplicas>0) { String detail = enableDebugLogging; if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { if (badTarget && builder != null) { detail = builder.toString(); builder.setLength(0); } else { detail = ""; } } throw new NotEnoughReplicasException(detail); }
/** * Calculate the maximum number of replicas to allocate per rack. It also * limits the total number of replicas to the total number of nodes in the * cluster. Caller should adjust the replica count to the return value. * * @param numOfChosen The number of already chosen nodes. * @param numOfReplicas The number of additional nodes to allocate. * @return integer array. Index 0: The number of nodes allowed to allocate * in addition to already chosen nodes. * Index 1: The maximum allowed number of nodes per rack. This * is independent of the number of chosen nodes, as it is calculated * using the target number of replicas. */ private int[] getMaxNodesPerRack(int numOfChosen, int numOfReplicas) { int clusterSize = clusterMap.getNumOfLeaves(); int totalNumOfReplicas = numOfChosen + numOfReplicas; if (totalNumOfReplicas > clusterSize) { numOfReplicas -= (totalNumOfReplicas-clusterSize); totalNumOfReplicas = clusterSize; } // No calculation needed when there is only one rack or picking one node. int numOfRacks = clusterMap.getNumOfRacks(); if (numOfRacks == 1 || totalNumOfReplicas <= 1) { return new int[] {numOfReplicas, totalNumOfReplicas}; } int maxNodesPerRack = (totalNumOfReplicas-1)/numOfRacks + 2; // At this point, there are more than one racks and more than one replicas // to store. Avoid all replicas being in the same rack. // // maxNodesPerRack has the following properties at this stage. // 1) maxNodesPerRack >= 2 // 2) (maxNodesPerRack-1) * numOfRacks > totalNumOfReplicas // when numOfRacks > 1 // // Thus, the following adjustment will still result in a value that forces // multi-rack allocation and gives enough number of total nodes. if (maxNodesPerRack == totalNumOfReplicas) { maxNodesPerRack--; } return new int[] {numOfReplicas, maxNodesPerRack}; }
int maxNodesPerRack = (totalNumOfReplicas-1)/numOfRacks + 2;
if (maxNodesPerRack == totalNumOfReplicas) {
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