
I am very thankful to saish and cbeust for the solution. I went through the similar issue with eclipse which got stuck at 57% when run in debug mode. I tried every thing, deleting eclipse, reinstalling diff versions, changing memory in eclipse.ini and all, but nothing helped.
The only thing helped was to create entirely new workspace. Thanks again, I got things worked after 2 days :-)


I had this issue too, Eclipse hangs at 57% in debug mode with TestNG tests. i checked version mismatch, created new workspace, deleted and reimported projects and nothing worked. Then I increased the MaxPermSize to 512m and the issues is fixed. I'm using Spring Tools Suite 2.9.2.RELEASE and TestNG/eclipse plugin 6.5.2.

Btw, this freezes the GUI and the only way is to kill the process ans start STS again.

I changed the STS.ini file, the parameter:

Now it's working fine!!!

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