weighttp 使用
Weighttp 地址 http://redmine.lighttpd.net/projects/weighttp/wiki
is a lightweight and small benchmarking tool for webservers。Weighttp只支持HTTP协议的一小部分,因此精艺、简单,使用起来也非常容易、快速。支持多线程,异步IO。
Weighttp的事件驱动依靠libev,支持高性能接口:epoll or kqueue等。
#yum install libev
#wget http://dist.schmorp.de/libev/libev-4.22.tar.gz
[root@localhost ]# echo "/usr/local/lib" >> /etc/ld.so.conf
[root@localhost ]# /sbin/ldconfig
tar zxvf weighttp-master.tar.gz
cd weighttp-master
./waf configure
./waf build
./waf install
[root@server1 ~]# weighttp
weighttp - a lightweight and simple webserver benchmarking tool error: missing url argument weighttp <options> <url>
-n num number of requests (mandatory) 请求数量
-t num threadcount (default: 1)线程数量
-c num concurrent clients (default: 1)并发用户数量
-k keep alive (default: no)长连接,默认短连接
-6 use ipv6 (default: no)Ip6
-H str add header to request 增加消息头Header
-h show help and exit
-v show version and exit example: weighttpd -n 10000 -c 10 -t 2 -k -H "User-Agent: foo" localhost/index.html
[root@server1 ~]#weighttp -n 1 -k
weighttp - a lightweight and simple webserver benchmarking tool starting benchmark...
spawning thread #1: 1 concurrent requests, 1 total requests progress: 100% done finished in 0 sec, 204 millisec and 32 microsec, 4 req/s, 0 kbyte/s
requests: 1 total, 1 started, 1 done, 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 errored
status codes: 1 2xx, 0 3xx, 0 4xx, 0 5xx
traffic: 191 bytes total, 141 bytes http, 50 bytes data
几个与Weighttp相似的工具:apache ab,httperf,httpress
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