\advance\hoffset -.5truein\relax
\begin{document} \centerline{\large \bf VITA}
\vspace{.2in} \centerline{\large \bf Chunhui Zhang}\vspace{12pt} \noindent {\bf PERSONAL INFORMATION}\vspace{12pt} \begin{tabular}{ll}
wechat:& 17802929597 \\[2ex]
QQ :& 1439217525 \\[2ex]
Email:& zch921005@126.com
\vspace{.2in} \noindent {\bf EDUCATION:}
B.S.& Henan University of Economics and Law & 2010\\
M.S.& Xidian University& 2014\\
\vskip.2in \noindent{\bf ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE:}
1990-present& Professor, Texas Tech University \\
1993-1994&Visiting Professor, University of Texas at Dallas\\
1989-present& Affiliate Professor, Washington University \\
\end{tabular} \vskip.2in \noindent{\bf SELECT LIST OF PUBLISHED RESEARCH } \begin{enumerate}
\item ``Boundary control,
stabilization and zero--pole dynamics for a nonlinear distributed parameter
system,'' to appear in {\em Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control}, with C.I. Byrnes and
V.I. Shubov. \item ``Numerical stationary solutions for a viscous Burgers' equation,''
{\em Journal of
Mathematical Systems, Estimation and Control}, with
J. Burns, A. Balogh and Victor I. Shubov.
Summary Vol. 8, No. 2, 1998,
(full paper at http://www.birkhauser.com) \end{enumerate}
\vspace{.15in} \end{document}

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