To globally share data among all the requests handled by the same nginx worker process, encapsulate the shared data into a Lua module, use the Lua require builtin to import the module, and then manipulate the shared data in Lua. This works because required Lua modules are loaded only once and all coroutines will share the same copy of the module (both its code and data). Note however that Lua global variables (note, not module-level variables) WILL NOT persist between requests because of the one-coroutine-per-request isolation design.

要在同一个nginx worker进程处理的不同请求间共享数据,可以利用lua的特性,把共享数据封装到lua模块中,然后使用require导入模块。因为require lua模块只会加载一次模块,然后所有的协程共享模块的同一个副本(包括代码和数据)。需要注意的是,lua的全局变量并不会在不同请求之间存在,这是因为每个请求每个协程,相互是隔离的。

openresty提供了lua lru cache作为worker级别的缓存,可以缓存固定数量的key-value,并且由于只能在worker内共享,不会触发锁,效率上有优势。lua lru cache提供的api只有get、set、delete。在具体开发时,可以封装一个module用于操作共享数据,实现不同请求之间数据共享。

  1. local _M = {}
  2. local lrucache = require "resty.lrucache"
  3. local c, err =
  4. if not c then
  5. return error("failed to create the cache: " .. (err or "unknown"))
  6. end
  7. function _M.set(key, value, exptime)
  8. if not exptime then
  9. exptime = 0
  10. end
  11. c:set(key, value, exptime)
  12. end
  13. function _M.get(key)
  14. return c:get(key)
  15. end
  16. function _M.delete(key)
  17. c:delete(key)
  18. end
  19. return _M


nginx.conf中配置lua_shared_dict my_cache 128m;,http请求或tcp请求都可以用。

  1. local function get_from_cache(key)
  2. local cache_ngx = ngx.shared.my_cache
  3. local value = cache_ngx:get(key)
  4. return value
  5. end
  6. local function set_to_cache(key, value, exptime)
  7. if not exptime then
  8. exptime = 0
  9. end
  10. local cache_ngx = ngx.shared.my_cache
  11. local succ, err, forcible = cache_ngx:set(key, value, exptime)
  12. return succ
  13. end

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