In this lesson we'll use CellMeasurer and CellMeasurerCache to automatically calculate and cache the height of a row. This will allow us to remove the predefined rowHeight on list and allow for dynamically sized rows.

import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {AutoSizer, List, CellMeasurer, CellMeasurerCache} from 'react-virtualized'; const ScreenInfo = ({width, height}) => (<span>width: {width} height: {height}</span>); class App extends Component { constructor(props) {
this.cache = new CellMeasurerCache({
fixedWidth: true,
defaultHeight: 50
renderRow = ({key, isScrolling, parent, style, index}) => {
return (
<div style={style} >
name: {[index].name}
email: {[index].email}
height: <div style={{height: `${[index].randomHeight}px`}}>{[index].randomHeight}px</div>
}; render() {
return (
{({width, height}) => {
return (
<ScreenInfo width={width} height={height}/>
/> </div>
} export default App;

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