


1. Column Fixture



public class AddRemovePlayerFixture extends ColumnFixture {

private String playerName;

private Game theGame;

public void setPlayerName(final String playerName) {

this.playerName = playerName;


public boolean addPlayer() {

this.theGame = StaticGame.theGame;

Player thePlayer = this.theGame.addPlayer(this.playerName);

return this.theGame.playerIsPlaying(thePlayer);


public int countPlayers() {

return this.theGame.getNumberOfPlayers();




2. Row Fixture



public class EmployeePayRecordsRowFixture extends RowFixture {

public Object[] query() throws Exception {

EmployeePayRecord[] records = new EmployeePayRecord[2];

records[0] = new EmployeePayRecord(1, 1000, "Bob");

records[1] = new EmployeePayRecord(2, 2000, "Jack");

return records;


public Class getTargetClass() {

return EmployeePayRecord.class;



public class EmployeePayRecord {

public int id;

private double salary;

public String name;

public EmployeePayRecord(final int id, final double salary, final String name) { = id;

this.salary = salary; = name;


public double pay() {

return this.salary;





3. Action Fixture



enter: 一般适用于set方法,把期望的值传递给fixture




public class CountFixture extends Fixture {

private int counter = 0;

public void count() {



public int counter() {

return this.counter;


public void setCounter(final int num) {

this.counter = num;



4.Table Fixture

当fit提供的fixture不能满足需要的时候,可以使用table fixture,该fixture可以自由处理表格单元格的



Table fixture的方法

protected abstract void doStaticTable(int rows)

Table   Fixture is an abstract class that   you must derive from. You must override doStaticTable to perform the   functions of the fixture. The number of rows in the table is passed in rows.

protected Parse getCell(int row, int column)

Returns the addressed table   cell as a Parse.

protected String getText(int row, int column)

Returns the text within the   addressed table cell.

protected boolean blank(int row, int column)

Returns true if the   addressed table cell is blank.

protected void wrong(int row, int column)

Turns the addressed table   cell red.

protected void right(int row, int column)

Turns the addressed table   cell green.

protected void wrong(int row, int column, String actual)

Turns the addressed table   cell red, and annotates it with the actuall value.

protected void ignore(int row, int column)

Turns the addressed cell   gray.

protected int getInt(int row, int column)

Converts the addressed cell   to an int, and returns it.


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