Transformations are a crucial part of the process used to display pages and other data in Kentico. A transformation is a code template that determines how listing web parts and controls render content. Data sources provide a collection of items containing raw data, and transformations convert the data into appropriately formatted page output code (HTML).

The functionality of transformations is very similar to that of item templates used by standard ASP.NET list controls, such as the Repeater. The main difference is that the system stores transformations as virtual objects in the database, and you can easily reuse transformations for different components.

Transformations are categorized under the objects whose data they display. You can manage transformations for:

  • Page types (Page types -> Edit a page type -> Transformations)

    • Container page types do not represent actual objects on the website, but only serve as containers for transformations. Use container page types to store transformations that you want to share among multiple page types.
  • Custom tables (Custom tables -> Edit a table -> Transformations)

To assign transformations to listing web parts or controls, use the available Transformation properties. Transformations are supported by all data listing web parts, as well as by listing controls that are designed to work with Kentico pages. The full name that identifies transformations is in format <parent object code name>.<transformation name>.

The Kentico sample sites include many transformations for all built-in page types.

WHERE ClassDisplayName LIKE '%article%' SELECT * FROM dbo.CMS_Transformation
WHERE TransformationClassID=5340

kentico7中,是叫Document Types

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