AudioServices is a group of C functions in AudioToolbox for playing short (≤30 seconds) sounds.
Predefined sounds
There are some predefined system sounds, for the system sound ID in the range 1000 to 2000 (decimal), as shown below (from 2.0 to 5.0 beta). The system sounds are all stored in
Sound ID | File name (iPhone) | File name (iPod Touch) | Category | Note |
1015 | Voicemail.caf | Voicemail.caf | - | Available since 2.1 |
1070 | ct-busy.caf | ct-busy.caf | AudioToneBusy | There was no category for this sound before 4.0. |
1074 | ct-call-waiting.caf | ct-call-waiting.caf | AudioToneCallWaiting | There was no category for this sound before 4.0. |
1071 | ct-congestion.caf | ct-congestion.caf | AudioToneCongestion | There was no category for this sound before 4.0. |
1073 | ct-error.caf | ct-error.caf | AudioToneError | There was no category for this sound before 4.0. |
1075 | ct-keytone2.caf | ct-keytone2.caf | AudioToneKey2 | There was no category for this sound before 4.0. |
1072 | ct-path-ack.caf | ct-path-ack.caf | AudioTonePathAcknowledge | There was no category for this sound before 4.0. |
1113 | begin_record.caf | begin_record.caf | BeginRecording | Available since 3.0 |
1117 | begin_video_record.caf | begin_video_record.caf | BeginVideoRecording | Available since 3.0 |
1005 | alarm.caf | sq_alarm.caf | CalendarAlert | |
1108 | photoShutter.caf | photoShutter.caf | CameraShutter | |
1106 | beep-beep.caf | sq_beep-beep.caf | ConnectedToPower | |
1114 | end_record.caf | end_record.caf | EndRecording | Available since 3.0 |
1118 | end_video_record.caf | end_video_record.caf | EndVideoRecording | Available since 3.0 |
1102 | - | - | FailedUnlock | |
1256 | short_low_high.caf | short_low_high.caf | Headset_AnswerCall | |
1258 | short_double_low.caf | short_double_low.caf | Headset_CallWaitingActions | |
1257 | short_double_low.caf | short_double_low.caf | Headset_EndCall | |
1255 | short_double_high.caf | short_double_high.caf | Headset_Redial | |
1254 | long_low_short_high.caf | long_low_short_high.caf | Headset_StartCall | |
1259 | middle_9_short_double_low.caf | middle_9_short_double_low.caf | Headset_TransitionEnd | |
1115 | jbl_ambiguous.caf | jbl_ambiguous.caf | JBL_Ambiguous | Available since 3.0 |
1110 | jbl_begin.caf | jbl_begin.caf | JBL_Begin | Available since 3.0 |
1112 | jbl_cancel.caf | jbl_cancel.caf | JBL_Cancel | Available since 3.0 |
1111 | jbl_confirm.caf | jbl_confirm.caf | JBL_Confirm | Available since 3.0 |
1116 | jbl_no_match.caf | jbl_no_match.caf | JBL_NoMatch | Available since 3.0 |
1306 | Tock.caf | sq_tock.caf | KeyPressClickPreview | The category was SystemSoundPreview before 3.2. |
1103 | Tink.caf | sq_tock.caf | KeyPressed | |
1104 | Tock.caf | sq_tock.caf | KeyPressed | |
1105 | Tock.caf | sq_tock.caf | KeyPressed | |
1006 | low_power.caf | low_power.caf | LowPower | |
1000 | new-mail.caf | new-mail.caf | MailReceived | |
1001 | mail-sent.caf | mail-sent.caf | MailSent | |
1057 | Tink.caf | Tink.caf | PINKeyPressed | |
1107 | RingerChanged.caf | RingerChanged.caf | RingerSwitchIndication | |
1350 | - | - | RingerVibeChanged | |
1100 | lock.caf | sq_lock.caf | ScreenLocked | |
1101 | unlock.caf | sq_lock.caf | ScreenUnlocked | |
1109 | shake.caf | shake.caf | ShakeToShuffle | Available since 3.0 |
1351 | - | - | SilentVibeChanged | |
1051 | SIMToolkitCallDropped.caf | SIMToolkitCallDropped.caf | SIMToolkitTone | |
1052 | SIMToolkitGeneralBeep.caf | SIMToolkitGeneralBeep.caf | SIMToolkitTone | |
1053 | SIMToolkitNegativeACK.caf | SIMToolkitNegativeACK.caf | SIMToolkitTone | |
1054 | SIMToolkitPositiveACK.caf | SIMToolkitPositiveACK.caf | SIMToolkitTone | |
1055 | SIMToolkitSMS.caf | SIMToolkitSMS.caf | SIMToolkitTone | |
1003 | ReceivedMessage.caf | ReceivedMessage.caf | SMSReceived | |
1007 | sms-received1.caf | sms-received1.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | |
1008 | sms-received2.caf | sms-received2.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | |
1009 | sms-received3.caf | sms-received3.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | |
1010 | sms-received4.caf | sms-received4.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | |
1012 | sms-received1.caf | sms-received1.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | |
1013 | sms-received5.caf | sms-received5.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | |
1014 | sms-received6.caf | sms-received6.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | |
1020 | Anticipate.caf | Anticipate.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1021 | Bloom.caf | Bloom.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1022 | Calypso.caf | Calypso.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1023 | Choo_Choo.caf | Choo_Choo.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1024 | Descent.caf | Descent.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1025 | Fanfare.caf | Fanfare.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1026 | Ladder.caf | Ladder.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1027 | Minuet.caf | Minuet.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1028 | News_Flash.caf | News_Flash.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1029 | Noir.caf | Noir.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1030 | Sherwood_Forest.caf | Sherwood_Forest.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1031 | Spell.caf | Spell.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1032 | Suspense.caf | Suspense.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1033 | Telegraph.caf | Telegraph.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1034 | Tiptoes.caf | Tiptoes.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1035 | Typewriters.caf | Typewriters.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1036 | Update.caf | Update.caf | SMSReceived_Alert | Available since 4.2 |
1307 | sms-received1.caf | sms-received1.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | |
1308 | sms-received2.caf | sms-received2.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | |
1309 | sms-received3.caf | sms-received3.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | |
1310 | sms-received4.caf | sms-received4.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | |
1312 | sms-received1.caf | sms-received1.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | |
1313 | sms-received5.caf | sms-received5.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | |
1314 | sms-received6.caf | sms-received6.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | |
1320 | Anticipate.caf | Anticipate.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1321 | Bloom.caf | Bloom.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1322 | Calypso.caf | Calypso.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1323 | Choo_Choo.caf | Choo_Choo.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1324 | Descent.caf | Descent.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1325 | Fanfare.caf | Fanfare.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1326 | Ladder.caf | Ladder.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1327 | Minuet.caf | Minuet.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1328 | News_Flash.caf | News_Flash.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1329 | Noir.caf | Noir.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1330 | Sherwood_Forest.caf | Sherwood_Forest.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1331 | Spell.caf | Spell.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1332 | Suspense.caf | Suspense.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1333 | Telegraph.caf | Telegraph.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1334 | Tiptoes.caf | Tiptoes.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1335 | Typewriters.caf | Typewriters.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1336 | Update.caf | Update.caf | SMSReceived_Selection | Available since 4.2 |
1011 | - | - | SMSReceived_Vibrate | |
1311 | - | - | SMSReceived_Vibrate | |
1004 | SentMessage.caf | SentMessage.caf | SMSSent | |
1016 | tweet_sent.caf | tweet_sent.caf | SMSSent | Available since 5.0 |
1300 | Voicemail.caf | Voicemail.caf | SystemSoundPreview | |
1301 | ReceivedMessage.caf | ReceivedMessage.caf | SystemSoundPreview | |
1302 | new-mail.caf | new-mail.caf | SystemSoundPreview | |
1303 | mail-sent.caf | mail-sent.caf | SystemSoundPreview | |
1304 | alarm.caf | sq_alarm.caf | SystemSoundPreview | |
1305 | lock.caf | sq_lock.caf | SystemSoundPreview | |
1315 | Voicemail.caf | Voicemail.caf | SystemSoundPreview | Available since 2.1 |
1200 | dtmf-0.caf | dtmf-0.caf | TouchTone | |
1201 | dtmf-1.caf | dtmf-1.caf | TouchTone | |
1202 | dtmf-2.caf | dtmf-2.caf | TouchTone | |
1203 | dtmf-3.caf | dtmf-3.caf | TouchTone | |
1204 | dtmf-4.caf | dtmf-4.caf | TouchTone | |
1205 | dtmf-5.caf | dtmf-5.caf | TouchTone | |
1206 | dtmf-6.caf | dtmf-6.caf | TouchTone | |
1207 | dtmf-7.caf | dtmf-7.caf | TouchTone | |
1208 | dtmf-8.caf | dtmf-8.caf | TouchTone | |
1209 | dtmf-9.caf | dtmf-9.caf | TouchTone | |
1210 | dtmf-star.caf | dtmf-star.caf | TouchTone | |
1211 | dtmf-pound.caf | dtmf-pound.caf | TouchTone | |
1050 | ussd.caf | ussd.caf | USSDAlert | |
1154 | vc~ringing.caf | vc~ringing.caf | VCCallUpgrade | Available since 4.1 |
1153 | ct-call-waiting.caf | ct-call-waiting.caf | VCCallWaiting | Available since 4.1 |
1152 | vc~ended.caf | vc~ended.caf | VCEnded | Available since 4.0 |
1150 | vc~invitation-accepted.caf | vc~invitation-accepted.caf | VCInvitationAccepted | Available since 4.0 |
1151 | vc~ringing.caf | vc~ringing.caf | VCRinging | Available since 4.0 |
4095 | - | - | Vibrate | There was no category for this sound before 2.2. In the SDK this is the constant kSystemSoundID_Vibrate. |
1002 | Voicemail.caf | Voicemail.caf | VoicemailReceived |
这里我想说明一下,我本来是打算搜索一些系统铃声的信息,而不是提示音,结果碰得到了提示音,就先记录下来,以后用得着,以下我会记录一下怎样在一个app 开发中实现ios系统的铃声!
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