php 内置的 html 格式化/美化tidy函数

# HTML 格式化
function beautify_html($html){
    $tidy_config = array(
        'clean' => false,
        'indent' => true,
        'indent-spaces' => 4,
        'output-xhtml' => false,
        'show-body-only' => false,
        'wrap' => 0
        $tidy = tidy_parse_string($html, $tidy_config, 'utf8');
        $tidy -> cleanRepair();
        return $tidy;
    else return $html;

# Install libtidy (needed for tidy2.0 compile)
apt-get -y install libtidy-0.99-0

# Install GNU tools for compiling
apt-get -y install build-essential

apt-get -y install libtidy-dev

# Download tidy2.0 source (this can also be found in the PHP5 sourcecode, I just tarred it up to make this easier)
wget -c

# Unpack the source
tar xvzf tidy2.0.tar.gz

# Configure tidy for installed php5 API
cd tidy

# Configure & Compile the source
make clean    <-- Without this the compile builds a bad module for some reason
make install

# Install module into php.ini
echo "" >> /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini;

php 内置的 html 格式化/美化tidy函数 -- 让你的HTML更美观的更多相关文章

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