1. 错误描述

TypeError: Restaurant() takes no arguments

2. 原因:在编写__init__时,pycharm会自动添加关键字,有时会直接写称整型int, 即__int__。导致错误产生。


3. 错误代码

# 9-1 restaurant
class Restaurant():
def __int__(self, restaurant_name, cuisine_type):
self.restaurant_name = restaurant_name
self.cuisine_type = cuisine_type def describe_restaurant(self):
print("The " + self.restaurant_name + " have " +
str(self.cuisine_type) + " kinds of food.") def open_restaurant(self):
print("Now is opening.") restaurant = Restaurant("'Restaurant of peace'", 108)


4. 正确代码

class Restaurant():
def __init__(self, restaurant_name, cuisine_type):
self.restaurant_name = restaurant_name
self.cuisine_type = cuisine_type def describe_restaurant(self):
print("The " + self.restaurant_name + " have " +
str(self.cuisine_type) + " kinds of food.") def open_restaurant(self):
print("Now is opening.") restaurant = Restaurant("'Restaurant of peace'", 108)



5.  执行结果

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