动态sql & 抽取可重用sql
抽取:<sql id="xx"></sql>
使用:<include refid="xx"></inculde>
<select id="getEmpsByDid" resultType="com.atguigu.mybatis.beans.Employee">
<include refid="selectEmployeeSQL"></include> from tbl_employee where d_id = #{did}
<sql id="selectEmployeeSQL">
select id ,last_name,email,gender
MyBatis 采用功能强大的基于 OGNL 的表达式来简化操作
OGNL( Object Graph Navigation Language )对象图导航语言,这是一种强大的
表达式语言,通过它可以非常方便的来操作对象属性。 类似于我们的EL,SpEL等
调用方法: person.getName()
运算符: +,-*,/,%
逻辑运算符: in ,not in ,> ,>= ,< ,<= ,== ,!= ,or,and
if where
1) If用于简单的判断.
2) Where用于解决SQL语句中where关键字以及条件中第一个and或者or的问题
// public List<Employee> getEmpsByConditionIfWhere(Employee Condition);
<select id="getEmpsByConditionIfWhere" resultType="com.atguigu.mybatis.beans.Employee">
select id, last_name, email, gender from tbl_employee
// where 1=1 处理所有条件不满足时where后为空的方法
// 在SQL语句中提供WHERE关键字,并且要解决第一个条件就出现的and 或者是 or的问题
<if test="id!=null">
and id = #{id }
<if test="lastName!=null&&lastName!=""">
and last_name = #{lastName}
<if test="email!=null and email.trim()!=''">
and email = #{email}
<if test="gender==0 or gender==1">
and gender = #{gender}
用于分支判断,类似于java中的switch case,只会满足所有分支中的一个
//public List<Employee> getEmpsByConditionChoose(Employee Condition);
<select id="getEmpsByConditionChoose" resultType="com.atguigu.mybatis.beans.Employee">
select id ,last_name, email,gender from tbl_employee
<when test="id!=null">
id = #{id}
<when test="lastName!=null">
last_name = #{lastName}
<when test="email!=null">
email = #{email}
gender = 'm'
choose 类似 switch
when 类似 case
otherwise 类似 default
trim 可以在条件判断完的SQL语句前后 添加或者去掉指定的字符
prefix | 添加前缀 |
prefixOverrides | 去掉前缀 |
suffix | 添加后缀 |
suffixOverrides | 去掉后缀 |
//public List<Employee> getEmpsByConditionTrim(Employee Condition);
<select id="getEmpsByConditionTrim" resultType="com.atguigu.mybatis.beans.Employee">
select id , last_name ,email , gender
from tbl_employee
<trim prefix="where" suffixOverrides="and">
<if test="id!=null">
id = #{id} and
<if test="lastName!=null && lastName!=""">
last_name = #{lastName} and
<if test="email!=null and email.trim()!=''">
email = #{email} and
<if test=""m".equals(gender) or "f".equals(gender)">
gender = #{gender}
//public void updateEmpByConditionSet(Employee Condition);
<update id="updateEmpByConditionSet">
update tbl_employee
<if test="lastName!=null and lastName!=''">
last_name = #{lastName},
<if test="email!=null and email.trim()!=''">
email = #{email} ,
<if test="gender==0 or gender==1">
gender = #{gender}
where id =#{id}
动态 SQL 的另外一个常用的必要操作是需要对一个集合进行遍历,通常是在构建 IN 条件语句的时候。
foreach | 主要用于循环迭代 |
item | 当前从集合中迭代出的元素 |
collection | 要迭代的集合 |
open | 开始字符 |
close | 结束字符 |
separator | 元素与元素之间的分隔符 |
index | 迭代的是List集合: index表示的当前元素的下标 迭代的Map集合: index表示的当前元素的key |
// public List<Employee> getEmpsByIds(@Param("ids")List<Integer> ids );
<select id="getEmpsByIds" resultType="com.atguigu.mybatis.beans.Employee">
select * from tbl_employee where id in(?,?,?);
select * from tbl_employee where id = ? or id = ? or id = ? */
select id ,last_name ,email, gender from tbl_employee
where id in
<foreach collection="ids" item="currId" open=" (" close=")" separator=",">
添加:insert into tbl_employee(x,x,x) values(?,?,?),(?,?,?),(?,?,?)
删除:delete from tbl_employee where id in(?,?,?)
修改: update tbl_employee set last_name = #{lastName} ...where id = #{id};
update tbl_employee set last_name = #{lastName} ...where id = #{id};
update tbl_employee set last_name = #{lastName} ...where id = #{id};
默认情况下, JDBCB不允许将多条SQL通过;拼成一个字符串。
可以在连接的url后面加上一个参数: allowMultiQueries=true
//public void addEmps(@Param("emps")List<Employee> emps );
<insert id="addEmps">
insert into tbl_employee(last_name, email,gender ) values
<foreach collection="emps" item="emp" separator=",">
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