using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting;
using IronPython.Hosting;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Reflection;
using System.ComponentModel; namespace IronPythonDebugger
public class IronPythonDebugger : IIronPythonDebugger
private ScriptEngine _engine; private ScriptScope _scope; private string _source; private string _debugSource; private ScriptSource _debugScriptSource; private Dictionary<int, bool> _breakpoints; private Thread _debugThread; private int _currentLine = ;//从1开始计算 private int _logicStartLine;//从1开始计算 private ScriptBackgroundExecute _backgroundExecute; private bool _debugging = false; private int _sourceLineCount; private const string BACKGROUND_BREAK_CODE = "_backgroundExecute.Break()"; private Action<int> _breakCallback; private int _nextBreakLine; private bool _debugThreadSleep = false; private AsyncOperation _asyncOp; private Action _exec; private SendOrPostCallback _onBreakCallback; private void Execute()
catch (DebugStopException)
catch (ThreadAbortException)
catch (Exception e)
throw new Exception(e.Message);
} private void BackgroundBreakCallback()
if (!_debugging)
throw new DebugStopException();
if (_currentLine == _nextBreakLine)
_debugThreadSleep = true;
//if (_breakCallback != null)
// _breakCallback(_currentLine);
_asyncOp.Post(_onBreakCallback, _currentLine);
} private void OnBreakCallback(object lineNumber)
if (Break != null)
Break(this, new BreakEventArgs((int)lineNumber));
else if (_breakCallback != null)
} private void WaitDebugThreadContinue()
while (_debugThreadSleep)
} private void AddBackgroundBreakCode()
string[] lines = _source.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None);
_sourceLineCount = lines.Length;
_logicStartLine = GetLogicStartLine(lines);//获取第一行逻辑代码的行号
_debugSource = string.Empty;
for (int i = ; i < _sourceLineCount; i++)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_debugSource))
_debugSource += Environment.NewLine;
if (i >= _logicStartLine - )
_debugSource += BACKGROUND_BREAK_CODE + Environment.NewLine;
_debugSource += lines[i];
} ////import clr,sys
////from TestClass import *
////from System.Windows.Forms import * ////c1 = Class1()
////c1.Name = "c1"
////child = Class1()
////child.Name = "child1"
////c1.Child = child
private int GetLogicStartLine(string[] lines)
int startLine = ;
for (int i = ; i < lines.Length;i++ )
string line = lines[i].ToLower();
if (line.IndexOf("import") <
&& line.IndexOf("clr") <
&& line.IndexOf("from") < )
startLine = i + ;
return startLine;
} private int GetNextBreakLine(int currentLine)
int next = -;
_breakpoints.OrderBy(breakpoint => breakpoint.Key);
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, bool> breakpoint in _breakpoints)
if (breakpoint.Value && breakpoint.Key > currentLine)
next = breakpoint.Key;
return next;
} /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public event Action<object, BreakEventArgs> Break; public ScriptEngine Engine
return _engine;
} public ScriptScope Scope
return _scope;
} public string Source
return _source;
} public Action<int> BreakCallback
return _breakCallback;
} set
_breakCallback = value;
} public IronPythonDebugger()
_engine = Python.CreateEngine();
_scope = _engine.CreateScope();
_scope.SetVariable("_backgroundExecute", _backgroundExecute);
_breakpoints = new Dictionary<int, bool>();
_backgroundExecute = new ScriptBackgroundExecute(BackgroundBreakCallback);
_exec = new Action(Execute);
_onBreakCallback = new SendOrPostCallback(OnBreakCallback);
} public void InitialDebugger()
if (_debugging)
throw new Exception("调试器正在调试中!");
_scope = _engine.CreateScope();
_scope.SetVariable("_backgroundExecute", _backgroundExecute);
} public void InitialDebugger(List<int> breakpoints)
foreach (int breakpoint in breakpoints)
_breakpoints[breakpoint] = true;
} public void ClearBreakpoints()
} public void Start(string source)
if (_debugging)
throw new Exception("调试器正在调试中!");
_source = source;
_debugScriptSource = _engine.CreateScriptSourceFromString(_debugSource);
_currentLine = _logicStartLine - ;
_debugThreadSleep = false;
_nextBreakLine = GetNextBreakLine();
//_debugThread = new Thread(Execute);
_asyncOp = AsyncOperationManager.CreateOperation();
_exec.BeginInvoke(null, null);
_debugging = true;
} public void Stop()
if (_debugging)
_debugging = false;
_debugThreadSleep = false;
//if (_debugThread != null && _debugThread.IsAlive)
// _debugThread.Abort();
} public void AddBreakpoint(int line)
_breakpoints[line] = true;
} public void AddBreakpoints(List<int> lines)
foreach (int line in lines)
} public void DeleteBreakpoint(int line)
_breakpoints[line] = false;
} public void DeleteBreakpoints(List<int> lines)
foreach (int line in lines)
} public void StepOver()
if (!_debugging)
throw new Exception("调试器未开始调试!");
_debugThreadSleep = false;
} public void StepInto()
} public void StepOut()
} public void Continue()
if (!_debugging)
throw new Exception("调试器未开始调试!");
_nextBreakLine = GetNextBreakLine(_currentLine);
_debugThreadSleep = false;
} public string GetValueAsString(string variable)
string value = string.Empty;
string[] names = variable.Split('.');
object obj = _scope.GetVariable(names[]);
for (int i = ; i < names.Length; i++)
Type type = obj.GetType();
PropertyInfo pi = type.GetProperty(names[i]);
obj = pi.GetValue(obj, null);
value = obj.ToString();
catch (Exception e)
throw new Exception(e.Message);
return value;
} public bool IsDebugging()
return _debugging;
} public class BreakEventArgs : EventArgs
public int LineNumber; public BreakEventArgs(int lineNumber)
this.LineNumber = lineNumber;
} public class DebugStopException : Exception

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