


#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#define maxn 207
#define INF 9999999
using namespace std; int n,m;
int father[maxn];
int s[maxn];
struct edge{
int s;
int e;
int w;
int set_same(int x,int y)
int i,j;
for(i = x;i != father[i];i = father[i])
father[i] = father[father[i]];
for(j = y;j != father[j];j = father[j])
father[j] = father[father[j]];
return i==j?:;
void set_union(int x,int y)
int i,j;
for(i = x;i != father[i];i = father[i])
father[i] = father[father[i]]; for(j = y;j != father[j];j = father[j])
father[j] = father[father[j]];
if(s[i] < s[j]) {
father[i] = j;
s[i] += s[j];
else {
father[j] = i;
s[j] += s[i];
int set_find(int x)
int i;
for(i = x;i != father[i];i = father[i])
father[i] = father[father[i]];
return i;
void set_init()
for(int i = ;i <= n;i++){
father[i] = i;
s[i] = ;
} void Kruskal(int S,int E)
int dmax,dmin; } bool cmp(edge a,edge b)
return a.w<b.w;
} int main()
int i,j;
edge edges[];
for(i = ;i <= m;i++)
int cast;
int S,E;
int ans = INF;
for(i = ;i <= m;i++)
for(j = i;j <= m;j++)
int A = edges[j].s;
int B = edges[j].e;
if(set_same(S,E)) {
ans = min(ans,edges[j].w-edges[i].w);
if(j == m) break;
if(ans == INF)
return ;


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