response letter
1、Firstly, we would like to thank you for your kind letter and for reviewers’ constructive comments
concerning our article (Manuscript No.:XXXXX).These comments are all valuable and helpful for
improving our article. All the authors have seriously discussed about all these comments. According to
the reviewers’comments, we have tried best to modify our manuscript to meet with the requirements
of your journal. In this revised version, changes to our manuscript within the document were all
highlighted by using red colored text.Point-by-point responses to the reviewers are listed below this
2、If there are any other modifications we could make, we would like very much to modify them and we
really appreciate your help. Thank you very much for your help.
3、Thanks. We have corrected these mistakes based on your suggestions.
4、Thank you again for your positive comments and valuable suggestions toimprove the quality of our
5、we were really sorry for your careless mistakes. Thank you for your reminding.
6、Thanks for your nice suggestions. We have formatted all the references.
7、It is with excitement that I resubmit to you a revised version of manuscript (稿号) for the 杂志名.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to revise and resubmit this manuscript. In keeping with my last
communication with you, I am resubmitting this revision before the agreed upondeadline. I appreciate
the time and detail provided by each reviewer and by you and have incorporated the suggested
changes into the manuscript to the best of my ability. The manuscript has certainly benefited from these
insightful revision suggestions. I look forward to working with you and the reviewers to move this
manuscript closer to publication in the杂志名. (返修有拖延时用)
8、I have responded specifically to each suggestion below, beginning with your own. To make the
changes easier to identify where necessary, I have numbered them.
9、Thank you again for your positive comments on our manuscript. 杂志名 is an influential journal which
aims to improve ourunderstanding of cancer prevention/other. From all the papers published in your
journal, readers have been learning a lot. Hopefully, we could have our article been considered of
publication in your journal. Should there been any other corrections we could make, please feel free to
contact us.
10、Thank you for your kind comments on ourmanuscript entitled “文章名”. We have carefully revised
the manuscript according to the reviewer’s comments. Based on the suggestions, we have made an
extensive modification on the revised manuscript. Detailed revision was shown as follows. The changes
to our manuscript within the document were aslo highlighted by using red colored text.
11、We feel great thanks for your professional review work onour article. As you are concerned, there
are several problems that need to beaddressed. According to your nice suggestions, we have made
extensivecorrections to our previous draft, the detailed corrections are listed below.
12、According to the reviewer’s comments, we have revised the manuscript extensively. If there are
any other modifications we could make, we would like very much to modify them and we really
appreciate your help. We hope that our manuscript could be considered for publication in your journal.
Thank you very much for your help.
13、On behalf of all the contributing authors, I would like to express our sincere appreciations of your
letter and reviewers’ constructive comments concerning our article entitled “XXX文章” (Manuscript
No.:XXXX). These comments are all valuable and helpful for improving our article. According to the
associate editor and reviewers’ comments,we have made extensive modifications to our manuscript
and supplemented extra data to make our results convincing. In this revised version, changes to
ourmanuscript were all highlighted within the document by using red colored text. Point-bypointresponses
to the nice associate editor and two nice reviewers are listed below this letter.
14、We would like to thank you first for all the positive comments of ourmanuscript (No.: XXXX) entitled
“XXXXX”. We really appreciate your help and patience. We also think highly of the comment sof both
reviewers who kindly provide professional suggestions on our manuscript.we have seriously thought
about them and provided our response to reviewers. Forthe detailed response, please see below
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