
解题思路:本题的思路就是解析字符串,然后是小学时候学的解方程的思想,以"2x+3x-6x+1=x+2",先把左右两边的x项和非x项进行合并,得到"-x+1=x+2",接下来就是移项,把x项移到左边,常数项移到右边,得到"2x=-1",最后的解就是x=-1/2。对于任意一个表达式ax+b = cx+d来说,最终都能得到解x=(d-b)/(a-c),这里要对(a-c)是否为0做判断,同时根据(d-b)是否为0等到Infinite solutions,No solution,常规解三种结果。


class Solution(object):
def parse(self,expression):
x,v = 0,0
if expression[0] == '-':
expression = '' + expression
item = ''
operators = ['+', '-']
operator = ''
for i in (expression + '#'):
if i in operators or i == '#':
if item == 'x':
item = '1x'
if operator == '':
operator = i
if item[-1] == 'x':
x = int(item[:-1])
v = int(item)
item = ''
if operator == '+' and item[-1] == 'x':
x += int(item[:-1])
elif operator == '-' and item[-1] == 'x':
x -= int(item[:-1])
elif operator == '+' and item[-1] != 'x':
v += int(item)
v -= int(item)
item = ''
operator = i
item += i
return x,v
def solveEquation(self, equation):
:type equation: str
:rtype: str
left,right = equation.split('=')
lx,lv = self.parse(left)
rx,rv = self.parse(right) if lx - rx == 0 and rv - lv == 0:
return "Infinite solutions"
elif lx - rx == 0 and rv - lv != 0:
return "No solution"
return "x=" + str((rv - lv)/(lx - rx))

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