- #!/usr/bin/python3
- #coding=GB2312
- import tkinter as tk
- import threading
- import time
- import random
- import sys
- class Cell():
- def __init__(self, row, col):
- self.row, self.col = row, col
-, self.right, self.bottom, self.left = True, True, True, True
- self.visited = False
- def __str__(self):
- return 'row:{} col:{}--{} {} {} {}'.format( \
- self.row, self.col,, self.right, \
- self.bottom, self.left)
- def setVisited(self):
- self.visited = True
- def isVisited(self):
- return self.visited
- class Maze(threading.Thread):
- colCount = 50
- rowCount = 50
- winWidth = 700
- winHeight = 700
- beginOf = (0, 0)
- endOf = (colCount - 1, rowCount - 1)
- def __init__(self):
- threading.Thread.__init__(self)
- self.initData()
- self.initUi()
- """
- 以下是ui界面方法
- """
- def initUi(self):
- self.ui = tk.Tk()
- self.centeredDisplay()
- self.cs = tk.Canvas(self.ui, bg = '#121a2a')
- self.cs.pack(fill = tk.BOTH, expand = 1)
- self.ui.bind('<Key-h>', self.hideCell)
- self.ui.bind('<Key-Up>', self.up)
- #self.updateUi()
- self.start()
- def hideCell(self, event):
- self.cs.delete('currend')
- def up(self, event):
- pass
- def updateUi(self):
- w = float(self.winWidth / self.colCount)
- h = float(self.winHeight / self.rowCount)
- for row in range(self.rowCount):
- for col in range(self.colCount):
- cell = self.cells[row][col]
- tagtmp = 'wall%02d%02d' % (row, col)
- if
- self.cs.create_line(\
- (w * col, h * row), \
- (w * (col + 1), h * row), \
- width = 3, fill = 'yellow', tag = 'top' + tagtmp)
- else:
- self.cs.delete('top' + tagtmp)
- if cell.right:
- self.cs.create_line(\
- (w * (col + 1), h * row), \
- (w * (col + 1), h * (row + 1)), \
- width = 3, fill = 'yellow', tag = 'right' + tagtmp)
- else:
- self.cs.delete('right' + tagtmp)
- if cell.bottom:
- self.cs.create_line(\
- (w * (col + 1), h * (row + 1)), \
- (w * col, h * (row + 1)), \
- width = 3, fill = 'yellow', tag = 'bottom' + tagtmp)
- else:
- self.cs.delete('bottom' + tagtmp)
- if cell.left:
- self.cs.create_line(\
- (w * col, h * (row + 1), \
- (w * col, h * row)), \
- width = 3, fill = 'yellow', tag = 'left' + tagtmp)
- else:
- self.cs.delete('left' + tagtmp)
- self.cs.create_rectangle((self.beginOf[0] * w + 3, self.beginOf[1] * h + 3), \
- (self.beginOf[0] + 1) * w - 3, (self.beginOf[1] + 1) * h - 3, \
- fill = '#b4532a', tag = 'begin')
- self.cs.create_rectangle((self.endOf[0] * w + 3, self.endOf[1] * h + 3), \
- (self.endOf[0] + 1) * w - 3, (self.endOf[1] + 1) * h - 3, \
- fill = '#ff0000', tag = 'end')
- self.cs.delete('currend')
- self.cs.create_rectangle((self.currentCell.col * w + 10, self.currentCell.row * h + 10), \
- (self.currentCell.col + 1) * w - 10, (self.currentCell.row + 1) * h - 10, \
- fill = '#00ff00', tag = 'currend')
- self.cs.update()
- def centeredDisplay(self):
- w = self.ui.winfo_screenwidth()
- h = self.ui.winfo_screenheight()
- self.ui.geometry('{}x{}+{}+{}'.format(\
- self.winWidth, self.winHeight, \
- int((w - self.winWidth)/2), \
- int((h - self.winHeight)/2)))
- self.ui.resizable(False, False)
- self.ui.title('Maze by jianc')
- """
- 以是ui界面方法
- 以下是逻辑线程方法
- """
- def initData(self):
- self.cells = [[Cell(row, col) for col in range(self.colCount)] \
- for row in range(self.rowCount)]
- self.cellStack = []
- self.currentCell = self.cells[self.beginOf[0]][self.beginOf[1]]
- def delWall(self, cell, cell2):
- if 1 == cell.row - cell2.row:
-, cell2.bottom = False, False
- elif -1 == cell.row - cell2.row:
- cell.bottom, = False, False
- if 1 == cell.col - cell2.col:
- cell.left, cell2.right = False, False
- elif -1 == cell.col - cell2.col:
- cell.right, cell2.left = False, False
- def topCell(self, cell):
- if 0 == cell.row:
- return None
- ret = self.cells[cell.row - 1][cell.col]
- if ret.isVisited():
- return None
- return ret
- def rightCell(self, cell):
- if self.colCount - 1 == cell.col:
- return None
- ret = self.cells[cell.row][cell.col + 1]
- if ret.isVisited():
- return None
- return ret
- def bottomCell(self, cell):
- if self.rowCount - 1 == cell.row:
- return None
- ret = self.cells[cell.row + 1][cell.col]
- if ret.isVisited():
- return None
- return ret
- def leftCell(self, cell):
- if 0 == cell.col:
- return None
- ret = self.cells[cell.row][cell.col - 1]
- if ret.isVisited():
- return None
- return ret
- def checkNeighbor(self):
- curCell = self.currentCell
- curCell.setVisited()
- neighbor = [self.topCell(curCell), self.rightCell(curCell), \
- self.bottomCell(curCell), self.leftCell(curCell)]
- while None in neighbor:
- neighbor.remove(None)
- n = len(neighbor)
- if 0 == n:
- try:
- self.currentCell = self.cellStack.pop()
- if None == curCell:
- return
- #self.updateUi()
- self.checkNeighbor()
- return
- except:
- return
- self.cellStack.append(self.currentCell)
- self.currentCell = neighbor[random.randint(0, n - 1)]
- self.delWall(curCell, self.currentCell)
- #self.updateUi()
- self.checkNeighbor()
- def run(self):
- self.checkNeighbor()
- self.updateUi()
- print('thread finish')
- """
- 以上是逻辑线程方法
- """
- sys.setrecursionlimit(100000)
- maze = Maze()
- tk.mainloop()
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