Branch policies on Azure Repos
Branch policies are an important part of the Git workflow and enable you to:
- Isolate work in progress from the completed work in your master branch
- Guarantee changes build before they get to master
- Limit who can contribute to specific branches
- Enforce who can create branches and the naming guidelines for the branches
- Automatically include the right reviewers for every code change
- Enforce best practices with required code reviewers
Adopt a Git branching strategy
There are a few critical branches in your repo that the team relies on always being in good shape, such as your master
branch. Require pull requests to make any changes on these branches. Developers pushing changes directly to the protected branches will have their pushes rejected.
Keep your branch strategy simple by building your strategy from these three concepts:
- Use feature branches for all new features and bug fixes.
- Merge feature branches into the master branch using pull requests.
- Keep a high quality, up-to-date master branch.
A strategy that extends these concepts and avoids contradictions will result in a version control workflow for your team that is consistent and easy to follow.
Adopt a branching strategy
How to configure branch policies
Branch permissions
Require branch folders
Configure a branch policy for an external service
Branching how to guides
Learn how to perform common tasks when working with branches.
Branches tutorial
How to create a branch
How to delete a branch
Restore a deleted branch
How to lock branches
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