- ClustrixDB安装程序和许可证密钥。
- 运行CentOS或RHEL 7.4的服务器(本地或云中)。
- 具有root或sudo特权来安装ClustrixDB。在安装过程中,您可以配置用户以运行和管理数据库进程。
sudo yum install bzip2 xz wget screen ntp ntpdate vim htop mdadm
如果是RHEL,修改repo file:
sudo yum-config-manager --enable rhui-REGION-rhel-server-optional
ClustrixDB要求将数据库文件存储在基于本地SSD的文件系统上,该文件系统与包含操作系统的根卷不同。该卷应配置RAID-0以获得最佳性能,并包括所有用于ClustrixDB的SSD。为了实现冗余,默认情况下,ClustrixDB已经写入了两个数据副本,因此,如果发生节点故障或磁盘故障,数据仍然可用,并且不需要更高的RAID卷类型,因为这可能会影响性能。Clustrix建议使用/ data的默认安装点来简化安装。
shell> sudo systemctl enable ntpd
shell> sudo systemctl start ntpd
shell> sudo systemctl disable firewalld
shell> sudo systemctl stop firewalld
shell> sestatus
SELinux status: disabled
如果开启修改 /etc/sysconfig/selinux 中 SELINUX=disabled
shell> setenforce
SELinux status: disabled
这些是与安装和操作ClustrixDB有关的Linux OS用户帐户:
Linux OS用户 |
如何使用 |
root |
root、 |
运行ClustrixDB软件的初始安装。可以通过授予另一个Linux用户的sudo特权间接运行安装。ClustrixDB的后续升级不需要root级权限。 |
clxd |
ClustrixDB守护程序 |
ClustrixDB进程以clxd Linux用户身份运行。这是一个守护程序帐户,因此管理员不应使用该帐户登录Linux。一个例外是在执行ClustrixDB升级时,升级以clxd Linux用户身份执行。 |
clxm |
ClustrixDB管理 |
管理员可以使用此Linux用户来使用ClustrixDB软件。通常将此用户配置为设置其环境,以方便使用ClustrixDB命令行工具。 |
以root用户或具有sudo特权的非root Linux用户身份登录到每个ClustrixDB节点。
shell> tar xvfj current_version .el7.tar.bz2
shell> cd current_version
shell> sudo ./
7, MySQL端口修改非3306
Default Value
Memory to use for ClustrixDB, in MiB |
The default value is auto-detected based on the amount of memory available. |
auto-detected |
1 |
CPU cores to use for ClustrixDB |
All is suggested and advised, however, this can be any number that is less than or equal to the number of cpu cores licensed for a node. |
All |
2 |
Database Storage Path |
The path used for ClustrixDB data. |
/data/clustrix |
3 |
Storage space to pre-allocate to ClustrixDB |
This is the amount of space that will initially be allocated for device1 storage. |
auto-detected |
4 |
Database Logs Path |
This directory contains the ClustrixDB logs ( query.log , clustrix.log , debug.log , etc.). |
/data/clustrix/log |
5 |
MySQL Protocol Unix Socket |
The location of the socket file that is necessary for communication to the database. |
/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock |
6 |
Database Listen Address |
The IP address on which ClustrixDB will accept client connections. This may be a specific IP or to denote that any connection is allowable. | |
Database MySQL TCP Port |
The default TCP port used for accessing ClustrixDB. |
3306 |
8 |
Private (Back-End) IP |
The Private (Back-End) IP is the IP that will be used for internode communication.
IP of current node |
9 |
Back End Network TCP/UDP Port |
24378 is the port that ClustrixDB uses for back-end network communication using both TCP and UDP. |
24378 |
10 | Health Monitor TCP/UDP Port | Port used by the Clustrix Health Monitor | 3581 |
11 | OS User | The OS user used to run ClustrixDB. Clustrix recommends specifying a user other than root. See ClustrixDB Operating System Users for more information. |
clxd* |
12 | Management User | The OS user used to manage ClustrixDB. Clustrix recommends specifying a user other than root. See ClustrixDB Operating System Users for more information. |
clxm |
13 | Reduce TCP retry count |
Default to reducing the retry count from 15 to 6 |
Yes |
14 | ClxDBI Install Path | The path where the ClxDBI will be installed. | /opt/clustrix/dbi |
15 | ClxDBI Listen Address | The address at which ClxDBI listens. | |
16 | ClxDBI Listen TCP Port | The port at which which ClxDBI listens. | 7888 |
17 | ClxDBI Log Path | The path for logs generated by ClxDBI. | /data/clustrix/log/clxdbi |
18 | ClxDBI PID File Path | The location of the process identification number file for ClxDBI. | /var/run/clustrix |
19 | ClxGUI Install Path | The path where the ClxGUI will be installed. | /opt/clustrix/clxgui |
20 | ClxGUI Data Cache Path | The path for data cached by ClxGUI. | /var/cache/clustrix |
21 | ClxGUI Listen Address | The address at which ClxGUI listens. | |
22 | ClxGUI Listen TCP Port | The TCP port used for HTTP communication by ClxGUI. If a user other than root is specified for the OS User, the default will be 8080. |
8080 |
23 | ClxGUI Log Path | The path for logs generated by ClxGUI. | /data/clustrix/log/clxgui |
24 | ClxGUI PID File Path | The location of the process identification number file for the ClxGUI. | /var/run/clustrix |
TCP | 22 | SSH | Administration and upgrade |
TCP, UDP | 2048 | Control Port | ClustrixDB specialized administrative tool |
TCP, UDP | 2424 | Nanny Port | nanny - ClustrixDB process manager |
TCP | 3306 | SQL |
Database communication |
TCP | 7888 | clxdbi | Database interface for ClustrixGUI |
TCP, UDP | 24378 - 24410 | Multiport | ClustrixDB internode communication |
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