欧拉降幂公式 Super A^B mod C
Given A,B,C, You should quickly calculate the result of A^B mod C. (1<=A,C<=1000000000,1<=B<=10^1000000).

ll Phi(ll x)
ll i;
ll re = x;
for (i = ; i * i <= x; i++)
if (x % i == )
re /= i;
re *= i - ;
while (x % i == )
x /= i;
if (x ^ )
re /= x, re *= x - ;
return re;
ll Quick_Power(ll x, ll y, ll p)
ll re = ;
while (y)
if (y & )
(re *= x) %= p;
(x *= x) %= p;
y >>= ;
return re;
int Solve(int p)
if (p == )
return ;
int phi_p = Phi(p);
return Quick_Power(, Solve(phi_p) + phi_p, p);
int T, n, a, c;
string b;
int main()
// freopen("data.txt","r",stdin);
while (cin >> a >> b >> c)
int phi_c = Phi(c);
ll sum = ;
for (int i = ; i < b.size(); i++)
sum = (sum * + b[i] - '') % (phi_c);
cout << Quick_Power(a, sum + phi_c, c) << endl;
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