
Problem Description
Today we play a squiggly sudoku, The objective is to fill a 9*9 grid with digits so that each column, each row, and each of the nine Connecting-sub-grids that compose the grid contains all of the digits from 1 to 9.
Left figure is the puzzle and right figure is one solution.

Now, give you the information of the puzzle, please tell me is there no solution or multiple solution or one solution.
The first line is a number T(1<=T<=2500), represents the number of case. The next T blocks follow each indicates a case.
Each case contains nine lines, Each line contains nine integers.
Each module number tells the information of the gird and is the sum of up to five integers:
0~9: '0' means this gird is empty, '1' - '9' means the gird is already filled in.
16: wall to the up
32: wall to the right
64: wall to the down
128: wall to the left
I promise there must be nine Connecting-sub-grids, and each contains nine girds.
For each case, if there are Multiple Solutions or no solution just output "Multiple Solutions" or "No solution". Else output the exclusive solution.(as shown in the sample output)




 #include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
typedef long long LL; const int MAXN = ;
const int MAXC = * * + ;
const int MAXR = * * + ;
const int MAXP = MAXR * + MAXC; struct DLX {
int sz;
int sum[MAXC];
int row[MAXP], col[MAXP];
int left[MAXP], right[MAXP], up[MAXP], down[MAXP];
int ansd, ans[MAXR], anscnt; void init(int n) {
for(int i = ; i <= n; ++i) {
up[i] = down[i] = i;
left[i] = i - ; right[i] = i + ;
left[] = n; right[n] = ;
sz = n + ;
memset(sum, , sizeof(sum));
} void add_row(int r, vector<int> &func) {
int first = sz;
for(size_t i = ; i < func.size(); ++i) {
int c = func[i];
left[sz] = sz - ; right[sz] = sz + ; up[sz] = up[c]; down[sz] = c;
down[up[c]] = sz; up[c] = sz;
row[sz] = r; col[sz] = c;
++sum[c], ++sz;
left[first] = sz - ; right[sz - ] = first;
} void remove(int c) {
left[right[c]] = left[c];
right[left[c]] = right[c];
for(int i = down[c]; i != c; i = down[i]) {
for(int j = right[i]; j != i; j = right[j])
up[down[j]] = up[j], down[up[j]] = down[j], --sum[col[j]];
} void restore(int c) {
for(int i = up[c]; i != c; i = up[i]) {
for(int j = left[i]; j != i; j = left[j])
up[down[j]] = j, down[up[j]] = j, ++sum[col[j]];
left[right[c]] = c;
right[left[c]] = c;
} bool dfs(int d) {
if(!right[]) {
ansd = d;
return ++anscnt == ;
int c = right[];
for(int i = right[]; i != ; i = right[i]) if(sum[i] < sum[c]) c = i;
for(int i = down[c]; i != c; i = down[i]) {
if(!anscnt) ans[d] = row[i];
for(int j = right[i]; j != i; j = right[j]) remove(col[j]);
if(dfs(d + )) return true;
for(int j = left[i]; j != i; j = left[j]) restore(col[j]);
return false;
} int solve(vector<int> &v) {
anscnt = ;
if(anscnt == ) for(int i = ; i < ansd; ++i) v.push_back(ans[i]);
return anscnt;
} solver; const int SLOT = ;
const int ROW = ;
const int COL = ;
const int SUB = ; int fr[] = {-, , , };
int fc[] = {, , , -};
int fp[] = {, , , }; int mat[MAXN][MAXN];
int val[MAXN][MAXN], cnt;
int T, n = ; bool in_n(int x) {
return <= x && x < n;
} void dfs(int r, int c, int p) {
val[r][c] = p;
for(int i = ; i < ; ++i) {
int nr = r + fr[i], nc = c + fc[i];
if(in_n(nr) && in_n(nc) && ((fp[i] & mat[r][c]) == ) && !val[nr][nc])
dfs(nr, nc, p);
} void print(int mat[MAXN][MAXN]) {
for(int i = ; i < n; ++i) {
for(int j = ; j < n; ++j) printf("%d", mat[i][j]);
} int encode(int a, int b, int c) {
return a * + b * + c + ;
} void decode(int code, int &a, int &b, int &c) {
c = code % ; code /= ;
b = code % ; code /= ;
a = code;
} int main() {
scanf("%d", &T);
for(int kase = ; kase <= T; ++kase) {
for(int i = ; i < n; ++i)
for(int j = ; j < n; ++j) scanf("%d", &mat[i][j]);
memset(val, , sizeof(val));
cnt = ;
for(int i = ; i < n; ++i)
for(int j = ; j < n; ++j) if(!val[i][j]) dfs(i, j, ++cnt);
printf("Case %d:\n", kase);
solver.init( * * );
for(int r = ; r < n; ++r)
for(int c = ; c < n; ++c)
for(int i = ; i < ; ++i) mat[r][c] &= ~fp[i];
for(int r = ; r < n; ++r) for(int c = ; c < n; ++c) for(int v = ; v < n; ++v) {
if(!mat[r][c] || mat[r][c] == + v) {
vector<int> func;
func.push_back(encode(SLOT, r, c));
func.push_back(encode(ROW, r, v));
func.push_back(encode(COL, c, v));
func.push_back(encode(SUB, val[r][c] - , v));
solver.add_row(encode(r, c, v), func);
vector<int> ans;
int res = solver.solve(ans);
if(res == ) puts("No solution");
if(res == ) {
int r, c, v;
for(size_t i = ; i < ans.size(); ++i) {
decode(ans[i], r, c, v);
mat[r][c] = + v;
if(res == ) puts("Multiple Solutions");

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