内存泄漏检查方法(for Linux)
如果你更想读原始文档, 请参考glibc info的"Allocation Debugging" 一章 (执行info libc);
glibc提供了一个检查内存泄漏的方法, 前提是你的程序使用glibc的标准函数 分配内存(如malloc, alloc...):
1. 在需要内存泄漏检查的代码的开始调用void mtrace(void) (在mcheck.h中有声明). mtrace为malloc等函数安装hook, 用于记录内存分配信息. 在需要内存泄漏检查的代码的结束调用void muntrace(void).
注意: 一般情况下不要调用muntrace, 而让程序自然结束. 因为可能有些释放内存代码要到muntrace之后才运行.
2. 用debug模式编译被检查代码(-g或-ggdb)
3. 设置环境变量MALLOC_TRACE为一文件名, 这一文件将存有内存分配信息.
4. 运行被检查程序, 直至结束或muntrace被调用.
5. 用mtrace命令解析内存分配Log文件($MALLOC_TRACE) , (mtrace foo $MALLOC_TRACE, where foo is the executible name) ,如果有内存泄漏, mtrace会输出分配泄漏内存的代码位置,以及分配数量. 其他东西
1. 可以将mtrace, muntrace放入信号处理函数(USR1, USR2), 以动态地进行内存泄漏检查控制.
2. mtrace是个perl代码, 如果你对符号地址与代码文本的转换感兴趣, 可以读一下.
3. again, 尽量不要用muntrace()
For C++ Leak:
很奇怪,redhat 9 居然不带mtrace perl脚本,只好下载gcc源码编译了
wget --passive-ftp ftp://rpmfind.net/linux/redhat/9/en/os/i386/SRPMS/glibc-2.3.2-11.9.src.rpm
rpm -ivh glibc*.src.rpm
cd /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/
rpmbuild -ba glibc-9.spec
cd /var/tmp/glibc-2.3.2-root/usr/bin/
cp mtrace /usr/bin/
vi a.c
- 1 #include <mcheck.h>
- 2
- 3 int main()
- 4 {
- 5 mtrace();
- 6 malloc(10);
- 7 malloc(16);
- 8 return 0;
- 9 }
$gcc -g a.c #记得编译带-g调试选项
$export MALLOC_TRACE=a.log
$unset MALLOC_TRACE #记得执行完后unset变量,否则可能运行其他命令可能覆盖log
$mtrace a.out a.log
Memory not freed:
Address Size Caller
0x09b08378 0xa at /XXX/a.c:6
0x09b08388 0x10 at /XXX/a.c:7
- MTRACE(3) Linux Programmer's Manual MTRACE(3)
NAME top
- mtrace, muntrace - malloc tracing
- #include <mcheck.h>
- void mtrace(void);
- void muntrace(void);
- The mtrace() function installs hook functions for the memory-
- allocation functions (malloc(3), realloc(3) memalign(3), free(3)).
- These hook functions record tracing information about memory
- allocation and deallocation. The tracing information can be used to
- discover memory leaks and attempts to free nonallocated memory in a
- program.
- The muntrace() function disables the hook functions installed by
- mtrace(), so that tracing information is no longer recorded for the
- memory-allocation functions. If no hook functions were successfully
- installed by mtrace(), muntrace() does nothing.
- When mtrace() is called, it checks the value of the environment
- variable MALLOC_TRACE, which should contain the pathname of a file in
- which the tracing information is to be recorded. If the pathname is
- successfully opened, it is truncated to zero length.
- If MALLOC_TRACE is not set, or the pathname it specifies is invalid
- or not writable, then no hook functions are installed, and mtrace()
- has no effect. In set-user-ID and set-group-ID programs,
- MALLOC_TRACE is ignored, and mtrace() has no effect.
- For an explanation of the terms used in this section, see
- attributes(7).
- ┌─────────────────────┬───────────────┬───────────┐
- │Interface │ Attribute │ Value │
- ├─────────────────────┼───────────────┼───────────┤
- │mtrace(), muntrace() │ Thread safety │ MT-Unsafe │
- └─────────────────────┴───────────────┴───────────┘
- These functions are GNU extensions.
- In normal usage, mtrace() is called once at the start of execution of
- a program, and muntrace() is never called.
- The tracing output produced after a call to mtrace() is textual, but
- not designed to be human readable. The GNU C library provides a Perl
- script, mtrace(1), that interprets the trace log and produces human-
- readable output. For best results, the traced program should be
- compiled with debugging enabled, so that line-number information is
- recorded in the executable.
- The tracing performed by mtrace() incurs a performance penalty (if
- MALLOC_TRACE points to a valid, writable pathname).
BUGS top
- The line-number information produced by mtrace(1) is not always
- precise: the line number references may refer to the previous or
- following (nonblank) line of the source code.
- The shell session below demonstrates the use of the mtrace() function
- and the mtrace(1) command in a program that has memory leaks at two
- different locations. The demonstration uses the following program:
- $ cat t_mtrace.c
- #include <mcheck.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- int
- main(int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- int j;
- mtrace();
- for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
- malloc(100); /* Never freed--a memory leak */
- calloc(16, 16); /* Never freed--a memory leak */
- }
- When we run the program as follows, we see that mtrace() diagnosed
- memory leaks at two different locations in the program:
- $ cc -g t_mtrace.c -o t_mtrace
- $ export MALLOC_TRACE=/tmp/t
- $ ./t_mtrace
- $ mtrace ./t_mtrace $MALLOC_TRACE
- Memory not freed:
- -----------------
- Address Size Caller
- 0x084c9378 0x64 at /home/cecilia/t_mtrace.c:12
- 0x084c93e0 0x64 at /home/cecilia/t_mtrace.c:12
- 0x084c9448 0x100 at /home/cecilia/t_mtrace.c:16
- The first two messages about unfreed memory correspond to the two
- malloc(3) calls inside the for loop. The final message corresponds
- to the call to calloc(3) (which in turn calls malloc(3)).
- This page is part of release 4.07 of the Linux man-pages project. A
- description of the project, information about reporting bugs, and the
- latest version of this page, can be found at
- https://www.kernel.org/doc/man-pages/.
- GNU 2015-03-02 MTRACE(3)
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