VTK 6 和 VTK 5 的不同
Replacement of SetInput() with SetInputData() and SetInputConnection()
Removal of GetProducerPort() from vtkDataObject
Removal of GetPipelineInformation and GetExecutive from vtkDataObject
Removal of Pipeline Update Methods from vtkDataObject
Removal of ExecuteInformation() and ExecuteData() from Algorithm Superclasses
Removal of SetExtentTranslator and GetExtentTranslator from vtkDataObject
Removal of CopyInformation and CopyTypeSpecificInformation from vtkDataObject and vtkImageData
Removal of GetEstimatedMemorySize() method from vtkDataObject and vtkImageData
Removal of SetWholeExtent() from vtkDataObject
Removal of ShouldIReleaseData() and ReleaseDataFlag methods from vtkDataObject
Removal of vtkDataObject Methods for Manipulating Update Extent
Change to Crop() in vtkDataObject
Changes to Scalars Manipulation Functions in vtkImageData
Change to CopyOriginAndSpacingFromPipeline in vtkImageData
Changes to SetAxisUpdateExtent and GetAxisUpdateExtent in vtkImageData
Change to AllocateOutputData() in vtkImageAlgorithm
Changes to vtkProcrustesAlignmentFilter
Dropped support for old OSes and compilers
I've done all this, it compiles and links, but now "New()" returns NULL at runtime
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