[CareerCup] 8.9 An In-memory File System 内存文件系统
8.9 Explain the data structures and algorithms that you would use to design an in-memory file system. Illustrate with an example in code where possible.
class Directory; class Entry {
Entry(string n, Directory *p) {
_name = n;
_parent = p;
_created = getCurrentTimeMillis();
static long getCurrentTimeMillis() {
time_t res = time(NULL);
return (long)res;
bool deleteEntry() {
if (_parent == nullptr) return false;
return _parent->deleteEntry(this);
virtual int size() = ;
string getFullPath() {
if (_parent == nullptr) return _name;
else return _parent->getFullPath() + "/" + _name;
long getCreationTime() { return _created; }
long getLastUpdatedTime() { return _lastUpdated; }
long getLastAccessedTime() { return _lastAccessed; }
void changeName(string n) { _name = n; }
string getName() { return _name; } protected:
Directory *_parent;
long _created;
long _lastUpdated;
long _lastAccessed;
string _name;
}; class File: public Entry {
File(string n, Directory *p, int sz): Entry(n, p) {
_size = sz;
int size() { return _size; }
string getContents() { return _content; }
void setContents(string c) { _content = c; } private:
string _content;
int _size;
}; class Directory: public Entry {
Directory(string n, Directory *p): Entry(n, p) {}
int size() {
int size = ;
for (auto a : _contents) {
size += a->size();
return size;
int numberOfFiles() {
int cnt = ;
for (auto a : _contents) {
if (Directory *d = dynamic_cast<Directory*>(a)) {
cnt += d->numberOfFiles();
} else if (File *f = dynamic_cast<File*>(a)) {
return cnt;
bool deleteEntry(Entry *entry) {
for (vector<Entry*>::iterator it = _contents.begin(); it != _contents.end(); ++it) {
if (*it == entry) {
void addEntry(Entry *entry) {
} protected:
vector<Entry*> _contents;
vector<Entry*> getContents() { return _contents; }
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