source data:

accountleg    year_month    amount
acc1A    2010-01    100

acc1A    2010-02    100

acc1A    2010-03    100

acc1A    2010-04    100

acc1A    2010-06    100

acc1A    2010-07    100

acc1A    2010-08    100

acc1A    2010-09    100

acc1A    2010-10    100

acc1A    2010-11    100

acc1A    2011-06    100

acc1A    2011-07    100

acc1A    2011-08    100

acc1A    2011-09    100

acc1A    2011-10    100

acc1A    2011-11    100

acc1A    2011-12    100

acc1A    2012-01    100

acc1A    2012-07    100

create table sixdormancy (accountleg string,year_month string,amount double) row format delimited fields terminated by '\t';
load data local inpath '/mnt/data/sixdormancy.txt' into table sixdormancy;
--get the last row year_month
drop table sixdormancy_lastmonth;
create table sixdormancy_lastmonth as
lag(year_month) over(partition by accountleg order by year_month) as lastmonth
from sixdormancy; create table sixdormancy_monthdiff as
select *,
(year(concat(year_month,'-01')) - year(concat(lastmonth,'-01')))*12
month(concat(lastmonth,'-01')) as monthdiff
from sixdormancy_lastmonth; select accountleg from sixdormancy_monthdiff where monthdiff>5 group by accountleg; if 0.10 not support lag function, we can write one udf to do this, and then we can combine
the calculation and filter and the udf.
package myudf;

import; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.UDF; public class dormancy extends UDF { String accountleg = "";
String predate = "";
boolean isDormancy = false; public boolean evaluate(String _accountleg, String _date) {
if (accountleg.equalsIgnoreCase(_accountleg)) {
isDormancy = hasSixMonthsGap(predate, _date);
accountleg = _accountleg;
predate = _date;
return isDormancy;
} boolean hasSixMonthsGap(String _sd, String _bd) {
// issue yyyy-MM
int year1 = Integer.parseInt(_bd.substring(1, 4));
int year2 = Integer.parseInt(_sd.substring(1, 4));
int month1 = Integer.parseInt(_bd.substring(5, 7));
int month2 = Integer.parseInt(_sd.substring(5, 7));
int cp = (year1 - year2) * 12 + (month1 - month2) + 1;
if (cp > 7) // has dormancy
return true;
return false;
} public static void main(String[] args) { dormancy test = new dormancy();
// read data from source
String filepath = "/mnt/data/sixdormancy.txt";
try {
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filepath));
String line; line = br.readLine();
String[] items = null;
while (line != null) {
// handle this line data
items = line.split("\t");
System.out.println(test.evaluate(items[0], items[1]));
line = br.readLine();
} } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
} } }
add jar /home/hadoop/workspace/myudf/bin/myudf.jar;
create temporary function dormancy as "myudf.dormancy";
select *,dormancy(accountleg,year_month) from
(select * from sixdormancy distribute by accountleg sort by accountleg, year_month) a;

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