This sample demonstrates a technique for simulating and rendering water. The water is simulated via Verlet integration of the 2D wave equation using a pixel shader. The simulation result is used by a vertex shader via vertex texture fetch (VTF). The water surface is rendered by combining screen-space refraction and reflection textures.


#include "registers.hlsl"

sampler refractionSampler : register(s0); // Refraction map
sampler reflectionSampler : register(s1); // Reflection map
sampler refractionNearSampler : register(s2); // Refraction map for objects penetrating water's surface
sampler fadeSampler : register(s4); // A fade texture to alleviate some border artifacts
sampler simulationSampler : register(s257);

struct Interpolants
float4 positionSS : POSITION; // Screen space position
float2 reflectionTexCoord : TEXCOORD0; // texture coordinates for reflection map
float4 refractionTexCoords : TEXCOORD1; // texture coordinates for refraction maps
float3 normalWS : TEXCOORD2; // normal in world space
float3 eyeVectorWS : TEXCOORD3; // eye vector in world space
float3 lightVectorWS : TEXCOORD4; // light vector in world space
float3 halfVectorWS : TEXCOORD5; // half vector in world space

// Vertex Shader

// Vertex shader Function declarations
float2 computeTextureCoord(float4 positionWS, float3 directionWS, float distance, float2 scale, float2 offset);

Interpolants vertexShader(float4 positionMS : POSITION, // Model space position
float4 color0 : COLOR0,
float4 simulationTexCoord : TEXCOORD0, // texture coord to look up simulated height and normal
float4 perturbation : TEXCOORD1) // Describes how much to reflect / refract
Interpolants o = (Interpolants)0;
float4 simulationSample; // Sample for simulation that contains the height and normal
float4 positionWS;
float3 normalModelSpace;
float3 normalWS;
float3 reflectionVectorWS;
float3 refractionVectorWS;

// Look up the simulation result for this vertex
// simulationSample.x is the height (simulationSample.y, simulationSample.z, simulationSample.w) is the normal
simulationSample = tex2Dlod(simulationSampler, simulationTexCoord);

// Extract the height and normal out of the sample
// Stick the height in the position where it belongs
positionMS.y = simulationSample.x;
positionMS.w = 1; // This probably isn't necessary
normalModelSpace = simulationSample.yzw;

// Output the screen space position
o.positionSS = mul(positionMS, vsWorldViewProjectionMatrix);

// Compute the world space position
positionWS = mul(positionMS, vsWorldMatrix);

// Compute the world space normal
normalWS = mul(normalModelSpace, vsWorldMatrix);

// Flip the normal if we're under water *= vsNormalSign.x;

// Output the world space normal
o.normalWS = normalWS;

// Output the eye vector in world space
o.eyeVectorWS = normalize(vsEyePositionWorld - positionWS);

// Output the light vector in world space
o.lightVectorWS = normalize(vsLightPositionWorld - positionWS);

// Output the half vector in world space
// No need to normalize because it's normalized in the pixel shader
o.halfVectorWS = o.eyeVectorWS + o.lightVectorWS;

// Calculate reflection map coordinates

// Compute the reflection vector in world space
reflectionVectorWS = reflect(-o.eyeVectorWS, normalWS);

// Compute the reflection map coordinates
o.reflectionTexCoord.xy = computeTextureCoord(positionWS, reflectionVectorWS, perturbation.x, vsReflectionTexcoordScaleOffset.xy,;

// Calculate refraction map coordinates

// Compute the refraction vector in world space
refractionVectorWS = refract(-o.eyeVectorWS, normalWS, vsEtaRatio.x);

// Calculate the refraction map coordinates for objects that are not penetrating the water
o.refractionTexCoords.xy = computeTextureCoord(positionWS, refractionVectorWS, perturbation.y, vsRefractionTexcoordScaleOffset.xy,;

// Calculate the refraction map coordinates for objects that are penetrating the water = computeTextureCoord(positionWS, refractionVectorWS, perturbation.w, vsRefractionTexcoordScaleOffset.xy,;


// computeTextureCoord() takes a starting position, direction and distance in world space.
// It computes a new position by moving the distance along the direction vector. This new
// world space position is projected into screen space. The screen space coordinates are
// massaged to work as texture coordinates.
float2 computeTextureCoord(float4 positionWS, float3 directionWS, float distance, float2 scale, float2 offset)
float4 positionSS;

// Compute the position after traveling a fixed distance = + directionWS * distance;
positionWS.w = 1.0;

// Compute the screen space position of the newly computed position
positionSS = mul(positionWS, vsViewProjectionMatrix);

// Do the perspective divide
positionSS.xy /= positionSS.w;

// Convert screen space position from [-1,-1]->[1,1] to [0,0]->[1,1]
// This is done to match the coordinate space of the reflection/refraction map
positionSS.xy = positionSS.xy * 0.5 + 0.5;

// Account for the fact that we use a different field of view for the reflection/refraction maps.
// This overdraw allows us to see stuff in the reflection/refraction maps that is not visible
// from the normal viewpoint.
positionSS.xy = positionSS.xy * scale + offset;

// Flip the t texture coordinate upside down to be consistent with D3D
positionSS.y = 1 - positionSS.y;

// Return the screen space position as the result. This will be used as the texture coordinate
// for the screenspace reflection/refraction maps.

// Pixel Shader

// Pixel shader Function declarations
half computeFresnel(half3 light, half3 normal, half R0);

half4 pixelShader(Interpolants i) : COLOR
half4 refraction;
half4 reflection;
half4 refractionNear;
half4 reflectionNear;
half2 refractionTexCoord;
half2 refractionNearTexCoord;
half2 reflectionNearTexCoord;
half refractionVisibility;
half4 fade;
half4 specular;
half depth;
half fresnel;

// Normalize direction vectors
i.lightVectorWS = normalize(i.lightVectorWS);
i.normalWS = normalize(i.normalWS);
i.halfVectorWS = normalize(i.halfVectorWS);

// Compute the specular term
specular.x = pow(max(dot(i.halfVectorWS, i.normalWS), 0), 3);

// Put a cliff in the specular function
if(specular.x < 0.5)
specular.x = 2.0 * specular.x * specular.x;
} = * half3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2);
specular.w = 0;

// Do the texture lookup for the reflection
reflection = tex2D(reflectionSampler, i.reflectionTexCoord.xy);

// Modulate the reflection texture by a texture to fade out at the edges.
// This avoids an objectionable artifact when the reflection map
// doesn't cover enough area.
fade = tex2D(fadeSampler, i.reflectionTexCoord.xy);
reflection *= fade;

// Do the texture lookup for the refraction
refractionTexCoord = i.refractionTexCoords.xy;
refractionNearTexCoord =;

refraction = tex2D(refractionSampler, refractionTexCoord);
refractionNear = tex2D(refractionNearSampler, refractionNearTexCoord);

// Do a very simple compositing of objects in the refraction textures
if(dot(, > 0.1)
{ =;

// Compute the fresnel to blend the refraction and reflection terms together
fresnel = computeFresnel(i.eyeVectorWS, i.normalWS, psFresnelR0.x);

// Handle total internal reflection
refractionVisibility = saturate(dot(i.eyeVectorWS, i.normalWS));
refractionVisibility = saturate((refractionVisibility - psTotalInternalReflectionSlopeBias.y) * psTotalInternalReflectionSlopeBias.x +
refraction *= refractionVisibility;

// Give some blue tint to the refraction
refraction = lerp(refraction, half4(0, 0, 1, 0), .1);

return(half4(fresnel, fresnel, fresnel, 1.0));
return(half4(, 1.0));

// Combine the refraction, reflection and specular terms
return(lerp(refraction, reflection, fresnel) + specular);

half computeFresnel(half3 eye, half3 normal, half R0)
// R0 = pow(1.0 - refractionIndexRatio, 2.0) / pow(1.0 + refractionIndexRatio, 2.0);

half eyeDotNormal;

eyeDotNormal = dot(eye, normal);

// Make sure eyeDotNormal is positive
eyeDotNormal = max(eyeDotNormal, -eyeDotNormal);

return(R0 + (1.0 - R0) * pow(1.0 - eyeDotNormal, 4.5));

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