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Browse repositories

The entry point for everything is the list of repositories. Here, only one repo is shown because we searched for it using the input field above the list of repositories.

Browse tags

Inside every repository you will find a list of tags associated with that repository. In the screenshot below there's only one tag listed. In principle you could filter by tag name or ID by using the input field above the list of tags.

The tags inside a repository can can be filtered by name:

Tag details

The following screenshot shows the details once you clicked on a tag. To be super correct, these details are details about the image and not about the tag. Remember, that every tag is associated with an image.

Create tag

For each image or tag you can create another tag by clicking on the "Create Tag" button in the tag details overview. The following screenshot shows how a tag can be created. At first you select an existing repository in which the tag shall be created. Then you specify the name of a tag. After you've clicked the create button, you'll be redirected to the freshly created tag page.

Delete tag

Deleting a tag doesn't mean you delete all the images and layers associated with it. Okay, this depends on the underlying registry storage, I know. The "delete tag" dialog summarizes all the details about tag deletion. You can reach this dialog by clicking the "delete tag" button in the tag details overview. To finally delete a tag, you're going to have to unlock the delete button by checking the box next to it. This is meant as a simple yet effective security measure for people not to accidentaly click on the delete button.

Delete repository

Deleting a repository may be a simple thing to execute technically, but the effects can be quite significant. Therefore the delete repository dialog is as expression about this as the delete tag dialog. You can reach the delete repository dialog by clicking on the "delete repository" button in the tag browsing screen.


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