PHP 图片水印类
- <?php
- /**
- * 加水印类,支持文字图片水印的透明度设置、水印图片背景透明。
- * $obj = new WaterMask($imgFileName); //实例化对象
- * $obj->$waterType = 1; //类型:0为文字水印、1为图片水印
- * $obj->$transparent = 45; //水印透明度
- * $obj->$waterStr = ''; //水印文字
- * $obj->$fontSize = 16; //文字字体大小
- * $obj->$fontColor = array(255,0255); //水印文字颜色(RGB)
- * $obj->$fontFile = = 'AHGBold.ttf'; //字体文件
- * $obj->output(); //输出水印图片文件覆盖到输入的图片文件
- */
- class WaterMask{
- public $waterType = ; //水印类型:0为文字水印、1为图片水印
- public $pos = ; //水印位置
- public $transparent = ; //水印透明度
- public $waterStr = ''; //水印文字
- public $fontSize = ; //文字字体大小
- public $fontColor = array(,,); //水印文字颜色(RGB)
- public $fontFile = 'AHGBold.ttf'; //字体文件
- public $waterImg = 'logo.png'; //水印图片
- private $srcImg = ''; //需要添加水印的图片
- private $im = ''; //图片句柄
- private $water_im = ''; //水印图片句柄
- private $srcImg_info = ''; //图片信息
- private $waterImg_info = ''; //水印图片信息
- private $str_w = ''; //水印文字宽度
- private $str_h = ''; //水印文字高度
- private $x = ''; //水印X坐标
- private $y = ''; //水印y坐标
- function __construct($img) { //析构函数
- $this->srcImg = file_exists($img) ? $img : die('"'.$img.'" 源文件不存在!');
- }
- private function imginfo() { //获取需要添加水印的图片的信息,并载入图片。
- $this->srcImg_info = getimagesize($this->srcImg);
- switch ($this->srcImg_info[]) {
- case :
- $this->im = imagecreatefrompng($this->srcImg);
- break ;
- case :
- $this->im = imagecreatefromjpeg($this->srcImg);
- break ;
- case :
- $this->im = imagecreatefromgif($this->srcImg);
- break ;
- default:
- die('原图片('.$this->srcImg.')格式不对,只支持PNG、JPEG、GIF。');
- }
- }
- private function waterimginfo() { //获取水印图片的信息,并载入图片。
- $this->waterImg_info = getimagesize($this->waterImg);
- switch ($this->waterImg_info[]) {
- case :
- $this->water_im = imagecreatefrompng($this->waterImg);
- break ;
- case :
- $this->water_im = imagecreatefromjpeg($this->waterImg);
- break ;
- case :
- $this->water_im = imagecreatefromgif($this->waterImg);
- break ;
- default:
- die('水印图片('.$this->srcImg.')格式不对,只支持PNG、JPEG、GIF。');
- }
- }
- private function waterpos() { //水印位置算法
- switch ($this->pos) {
- case : //随机位置
- $this->x = rand(,$this->srcImg_info[]-$this->waterImg_info[]);
- $this->y = rand(,$this->srcImg_info[]-$this->waterImg_info[]);
- break ;
- case : //上左
- $this->x = ;
- $this->y = ;
- break ;
- case : //上中
- $this->x = ($this->srcImg_info[]-$this->waterImg_info[])/;
- $this->y = ;
- break ;
- case : //上右
- $this->x = $this->srcImg_info[]-$this->waterImg_info[];
- $this->y = ;
- break ;
- case : //中左
- $this->x = ;
- $this->y = ($this->srcImg_info[]-$this->waterImg_info[])/;
- break ;
- case : //中中
- $this->x = ($this->srcImg_info[]-$this->waterImg_info[])/;
- $this->y = ($this->srcImg_info[]-$this->waterImg_info[])/;
- break ;
- case : //中右
- $this->x = $this->srcImg_info[]-$this->waterImg_info[];
- $this->y = ($this->srcImg_info[]-$this->waterImg_info[])/;
- break ;
- case : //下左
- $this->x = ;
- $this->y = $this->srcImg_info[]-$this->waterImg_info[];
- break ;
- case : //下中
- $this->x = ($this->srcImg_info[]-$this->waterImg_info[])/;
- $this->y = $this->srcImg_info[]-$this->waterImg_info[];
- break ;
- default: //下右
- $this->x = $this->srcImg_info[]-$this->waterImg_info[];
- $this->y = $this->srcImg_info[]-$this->waterImg_info[];
- break ;
- }
- }
- private function waterimg() {
- if ($this->srcImg_info[] <= $this->waterImg_info[] || $this->srcImg_info[] <= $this->waterImg_info[]){
- die('水印比原图大!');
- }
- $this->waterpos();
- $cut = imagecreatetruecolor($this->waterImg_info[],$this->waterImg_info[]);
- imagecopy($cut,$this->im,,,$this->x,$this->y,$this->waterImg_info[],$this->waterImg_info[]);
- $pct = $this->transparent;
- imagecopy($cut,$this->water_im,,,,,$this->waterImg_info[],$this->waterImg_info[]);
- imagecopymerge($this->im,$cut,$this->x,$this->y,,,$this->waterImg_info[],$this->waterImg_info[],$pct);
- }
- private function waterstr() {
- $rect = imagettfbbox($this->fontSize,,$this->fontFile,$this->waterStr);
- $w = abs($rect[]-$rect[]);
- $h = abs($rect[]-$rect[]);
- $fontHeight = $this->fontSize;
- $this->water_im = imagecreatetruecolor($w, $h);
- imagealphablending($this->water_im,false);
- imagesavealpha($this->water_im,true);
- $white_alpha = imagecolorallocatealpha($this->water_im,,,,);
- imagefill($this->water_im,,,$white_alpha);
- $color = imagecolorallocate($this->water_im,$this->fontColor[],$this->fontColor[],$this->fontColor[]);
- imagettftext($this->water_im,$this->fontSize,,,$this->fontSize,$color,$this->fontFile,$this->waterStr);
- $this->waterImg_info = array(=>$w,=>$h);
- $this->waterimg();
- }
- function output() {
- $this->imginfo();
- if ($this->waterType == ) {
- $this->waterstr();
- }else {
- $this->waterimginfo();
- $this->waterimg();
- }
- switch ($this->srcImg_info[]) {
- case :
- imagepng($this->im,$this->srcImg);
- break ;
- case :
- imagejpeg($this->im,$this->srcImg);
- break ;
- case :
- imagegif($this->im,$this->srcImg);
- break ;
- default:
- die('添加水印失败!');
- break;
- }
- imagedestroy($this->im);
- imagedestroy($this->water_im);
- }
- }
- ?>
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