I figure life is a gift and I don't intend on wasting it.


It seems that I didn't think life is a gift, and I take the time and life for granted, I deserve them, and how I spend them is all about my own business.

Having these thoughts, I alwyas waste my time on some useless things and negect the importantce of things that have vital effects on me.

Unsurprisingly, I have tasted the bitter fruits of my misdeeds. Time can't be retrived.

No matter how regretful I felt, I can't go back to the point just before I made wrong choices.

Everyone is necessarily the hero of his own life story.


From Jonh Barth.

You are definitely the hero of your own life story.

But if you can't live for your own dream, you may have to live for other's dream, then there may be much more heroes in your life story, sometimes, they may steal the show that originally belongs to you.

Just like the difference between working for yourself and working for others, sometimes you will feel tired and find that you don't have the passions and enthusiasm any more if you are working for others and help them build their dreams, in such cases, it may be better for you to start another career.

But if you are working for yourself and you are striving to build your own dream, no matter how tired or how boring you are feeling at the current time, you will be full of passions at the new day.

That is due to the pressures and the responsibilites on your shoulder.

Are you ready to write out your own life story with yourself starring in the story?

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