python asyncio 异步实现mongodb数据转xls文件
from pymongo import MongoClient
import asyncio
import xlwt
import json class Mongodb_Transfer_Excel():
def __init__(self, db_name, table_name, ip='', port=27017, excel_format=None, mongodb_type=None):
""" :param db_name: 数据库名
:param table_name: 数据表名
:param ip: IP
:param port: 端口
:param excel_format: 数据需求的字段:{'content': 0, 'field': 1}
self.ip = ip
self.port = port
self.db_name = db_name
self.table_name = table_name
self.excel_format = excel_format # excel_format如:{'content': 0, 'field': 1}
self.wbk = xlwt.Workbook()
self.sheet = self.wbk.add_sheet(self.table_name)
self.mongodb_type = mongodb_type
self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() def db_conn(self):
conn = MongoClient(self.ip, self.port)
db = conn[self.db_name] # 连接mydb数据库,没有则自动创建
conn = db[self.table_name] # 使用test_set集合,没有则自动创建
return conn def find_data(self):
rows = self.db_conn().find()
return rows def create_excel(self):
if self.excel_format:
excel_format = self.excel_format
excel_format = {'content': 0, 'content1': 1, 'title': 2, "weixin_code": 3, "weixin_name": 4, "type": 5, 'pubtime': 6}
self.excel_format = excel_format
for key, value in excel_format.items():
self.sheet.write(0, value, key)'{}.xls'.format(self.table_name)) async def parse_rows(self, i, row):
dic = dict()
dic['cloumn'] = i
if 'user' in row:
user_info = row.get('user')
if 'description' in user_info:
dic['description'] = user_info['description']
if 'screenName' in user_info:
dic['screenName'] = user_info['screenName']
if 'result' in row:
result = row['result']
if isinstance(result, str):
result = json.loads(result)
content = result.get('content').replace('\n', '')
if len(content) > 2000:
dic['content'] = content[0: 2000]
dic['conten1'] = content[2000: ]
dic['content'] = content
if 'title' in result:
dic['title'] = result.get('title')
if 'event' in result:
event = result.get('event')
if isinstance(event, str):
event = json.loads(event)
if 'weixin_code' in event:
dic['weixin_code'] = event.get('weixin_code')
if 'weixin_name' in event:
dic['weixin_name'] = event.get('weixin_name')
if 'type' in event:
dic['type'] = event.get('type')
if 'url' in event:
dic['url'] = event.get('url')
if 'pubtime' in result:
dic['pubtime'] = result.get('pubtime')
await asyncio.sleep(1)
self.parse_dic(dic) def parse_dic(self, dic):
for key, value in dic.items():
if key in self.excel_format:
# print(key)
self.write_excel(key, value, dic['cloumn']) def write_excel(self, key, value, columns):
:param dic: 数据字典
:param columns: 插入excel的行
self.sheet.write(columns, int(self.excel_format.get(key)), value) def save_excel(self):'{}.xls'.format(self.table_name)) def run(self):
rows = self.find_data()
tasks = [self.parse_rows(i + 1, row) for i, row in enumerate(rows)]
self.save_excel() if __name__ == '__main__':
excel_format = {} # 指定excel文件格式如:{'content': 0, 'field': 1}
mongodb_type = 'weibo' # 或者man_sheng_huo
obj = Mongodb_Transfer_Excel(db_name='db_name', table_name='table_name', mongodb_type=mongodb_type,
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