    Sometimes,we are determined to kill some MySQL connections which are occupying huge resources(CPU,memory,etc) that maybe lead to server crash.Even though it's simple to use "kill id;"(id is a number of MySQL thread which we can get from "show processlist;") command of MySQL doing that kind of job.But it's not enough in function.
    pt-kill is a commonly used tool in killing MySQL connections.It provides more individual functions by set different options than MySQL kill command.You can also use it to print the candidates to be killed instead of really killing them.Let's see some details of the tool below.
 pt-kill [OPTIONS] [DSN]
Common parameters
 --busy-time -- Match queries that running longer than this time which match the "Command=Query" status.
--idle-time -- Match querries that idle/sleeping longer than this time which match the "Command=Sleep" status.
--victims -- Specify the scope which can be killed(default "oldest",others "all","all-but-oldest").
--match-user -- Specify a user which you want to match.
--match-host -- Specify a host which you want to match.
--match-db -- Specify a db which you want to match.
--match-command -- Specify a command type which you want to match.
--match-state -- Specify a state type which you want to match.
--match-info -- Specify a query which you want to match.
--test-matching -- Only used to match queries in file which contains the snapshot of processlist.(disable --run-time,--interval and --[no]ignore_self)
--run-time -- Specify the max running time(default unit is second).
--interval -- Specify the frequency for queries(default 30s if not set --interval).
--kill -- Execute a real kill command for those matched queries to kill both connections and queries.
--kill-query -- Do like what --kill does but merely queries,it does not kill connections.
--kill-busy-command -- It is usually used to kill the execute statement instead of query statement(eg.--kil-busy-command=execute).
--print -- Just print a kill statement instead of really execute them for matched queries.
--query-count -- Match query class if it has reached this value.

Demonstrate of mutually exclusive options.
Specify at least one of --kill, --kill-query, --print, --execute-command or --stop.
--any-busy-time & --each-busy-time.--kill & --kill-query.
--daemonize & --test-matching.
1. Print all kill statement of query threads which have been run over 10s.
 pt-kill -h192.168.56. -P3306 -urepl --ask-pass --victims=all --busy-time= --print
2. Kill all the query threads which have been run over 10s.
 pt-kill -h192.168.56. -P3306 -urepl --ask-pass --victims=all --busy-time= --kill
3. Kill all the query threads which have been run over 10s in every 60s.
 pt-kill -h192.168.56. -P3306 -urepl --ask-pass --victims=all --busy-time= --interval= --kill
4. Kill all the execute threads which have been run over 10s.
 pt-kill -h192.168.56. -P3306 -urepl --ask-pass --victims=all --busy-time= --match-command=execute --kill
5. Print all the query threads which have been run over 10s in processlist.
 mysql -e "show processlist;" > proclist.log
pt-kill --test-matching=proclist.log --busy-time= --print
  • pt-kill is a quite useful tool to fast and simply kill threads of MySQL.
  • It's a good behaviour using "--print" before you really execute killing operation.
  • By default,the replication thread will not be killed except for using "--replication-threads" option.
  • Notice,don't be confused with "--run-time" & "--busy-time",they're totally different.


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