# Author:Alex
# Date:2017.06.07
# Version:3.6.0
with open('james.txt') as jaf:
data = jaf.readline()
james = data.strip().split(',')
# james.sort()
with open('julie.txt') as jul:
data = jul.readline()
julie = data.strip().split(',')
# julie.sort()
with open('sarah.txt') as sar:
data = sar.readline()
# sarahs.sort()
with open('mikey.txt') as mik:
data = mik.readline()
mikeys=data.strip().split(',') def sanitize(time_string):
if '-' in time_string:
splitter = '-'
elif ':' in time_string:
splitter = ':'
return (time_string)
(mins,secs) = time_string.split(splitter)
return (mins + '.' + secs) clean_james = []
clean_julie = []
clean_mikeys = []
clean_sarah = [] for each_t in james:
for each_t in julie:
for each_t in mikeys:
for each_t in sarahs:
clean_sarah.append(sanitize(each_t)) print (sorted(clean_james))
print (sorted(clean_julie))
print (sorted(clean_mikeys))
print (sorted(clean_sarah))


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