CodeForces 1060 B Maximum Sum of Digits
Maximum Sum of Digits
You are given a positive integer n.
Let S(x)S(x) be sum of digits in base 10 representation of xx , for example, S(123)=1+2+3=6S(123)=1+2+3=6 , S(0)=0S(0)=0 .
Your task is to find two integers a,ba,b , such that 0≤a,b≤n0≤a,b≤n , a+b=na+b=n and S(a)+S(b)S(a)+S(b) is the largest possible among all such pairs.
The only line of input contains an integer nn (1≤n≤1012)(1≤n≤1012) .
Print largest S(a)+S(b)S(a)+S(b) among all pairs of integers a,ba,b , such that 0≤a,b≤n0≤a,b≤n and a+b=na+b=n .
In the first example, you can choose, for example, a=17a=17 and b=18b=18 , so that S(17)+S(18)=1+7+1+8=17S(17)+S(18)=1+7+1+8=17 . It can be shown that it is impossible to get a larger answer.
In the second test example, you can choose, for example, a=5000000001a=5000000001 and b=4999999999b=4999999999 , with S(5000000001)+S(4999999999)=91S(5000000001)+S(4999999999)=91 . It can be shown that it is impossible to get a larger answer.
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
string n;
ll power(int a, int b){ //快速幂
ll ans = ;
if(b & ){
ans = ans * a;
a = a * a;
b >>= ;
return ans;
int main()
ll a, b;
while(cin >> n)
int suma=;
int sumb=;
a = power(, n.size() - );
//若想拆分出小于且9最多的数字,只需要找到n的位数n.size() - 1
//之后便可以用10的n.size() - 1次幂找到与n位数相等数字中最小数字
istringstream cinn(n);
cinn >> b;
//b - a就是补偿的数字。
b = b - a;
while(a) //将a的每一位加起来
suma += a % ;
sumb += b % ; //将b的每一位加起来
cout << suma + sumb << endl; //所有位数加和
return ;
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