13.2 How RTT works

13.2.1 Target implementation

  Real Time Terminal uses a SEGGER RTT Control Block structure in the target’s memoryto manage data reads and writes.

  实时终端使用目标内存中的SEGGER RTT控制块结构管理数据读取和写入。

  The control block contains an ID to make it findable in memory by a connected J-Link and a ring buffer structure for each available channel,describing the channel buffer and its state.


  The maximum number of available channels can be configured at compile time and each buffer can be configured and added by the application at run time.


Up and down buffers can be handled separately. Each channel can

be configured to be blocking or non-blocking. In blocking mode the application will wait

when the buffer is full, until all memory could be written, resulting in a blocked application

state but preventing data from getting lost. In non-blocking mode only data which fits into

the buffer, or none at all, will be written and the rest will be discarded. This allows running

in real-time, even when no debugger is connected. The developer does not have to create

a special debug version and the code can stay in place in a release application.













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