id INT PRIMARY KEY identity(1,1),
num1 INT,
num2 INT
insert into temp1 values( 11,51),( 12,52);
insert into temp1 values( 10,101),( 10,102),( 10,103),( 10,104),( 10,105),( 10,106),( 10,107);
insert into temp1 values( 13,53),( 14,54);
insert into temp1 values( 10,108),( 10,109),( 10,110);
insert into temp1 values( 15,55),( 16,56);
insert into temp1 values( 10,111),( 10,112),( 10,113),( 10,114),( 10,115),( 10,116),( 10,117); --解决代码
;with t1 as (
select *,id-row_number() over(partition by num1 order by id) x from temp1
select * from
select *,
count(1) over(partition by x )
) as y,
row_number() over(partition by x order by id)
) as z
from t1 a
) b
where y>=5 and z=5 (2)
;with t1 as (
select *,id - row_number() over(partition by num1 order by id) x from temp1
select * from
select *,
select count(1) from t1 where x=a.x
) as y,
select count(1) from t1 where x=a.x AND id <=a.id
) as z
from t1 a
) b
where y>=5 and z=5
id INT PRIMARY KEY auto_increment,
num1 INT,
num2 INT
insert into test1 values(null,11,51),(null,12,52);
insert into test1 values(null,10,101),(null,10,102),(null,10,103),(null,10,104),(null,10,105),(null,10,106),(null,10,107); insert into test1 values(null,13,53),(null,14,54);
insert into test1 values(null,10,108),(null,10,109),(null,10,110);
insert into test1 values(null,15,55),(null,16,56);
insert into test1 values(null,10,111),(null,10,112),(null,10,113),(null,10,114),(null,10,115),(null,10,116),(null,10,117); CREATE TABLE test2 like test1;
alter table test2 change id id int;
alter table test2 add rn int unique auto_increment;
insert into test2(id,num1,num2) select * from test1 where num1=10; select *,id-rn as x from test2; select * from (
select *,
(select count(1) from (select *,id-rn as x from test2) t where t.x=t1.x) y,
(select count(1) from (select *,id-rn as x from test2) t where t.x=t1.x and t.id <= t1.id) z
from (select *,id-rn as x from test2) t1
) t
where y>=5 and z=5 (2)构造row_number()方法
select * from (
select *,
(select count(1) from (select *,id-rn as x from (select test1.*, @num:=@num+1 as rn from test1 join (select @num:=0) temp1 where test1.num1=10) temp2) t where t.x=t1.x) y,
(select count(1) from (select *,id-rn as x from (select test1.*,@num1:=@num1+1 as rn from test1 join (select @num1:=0) temp1 where test1.num1=10) temp2 ) t where t.x=t1.x and t.id <= t1.id) z
from (select *,id-rn as x from (select test1.*,@num2:=@num2+1 as rn from test1 join (select @num2:=0) temp1 where test1.num1=10) temp2) t1
) t
where y>=5 and z=5
select * from (
select *,
(select count(1) from (select test1.*, id-@num:=@num+1 as x from test1 join (select @num:=0) temp1 where test1.num1=10) t where t.x=t1.x) y,
(select count(1) from (select test1.*,id-@num1:=@num1+1 as x from test1 join (select @num1:=0) temp1 where test1.num1=10) t where t.x=t1.x and t.id <= t1.id) z
from (select test1.*,id-@num2:=@num2+1 as x from test1 join (select @num2:=0) temp1 where test1.num1=10) t1
) t
where y>=5 and z=5
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