
const num: number = 1


const init: (p: str) => void
= function(param) {


declare var document
document.str = 'hello'


var age: number = 2
var rating = 98.25 var isReady: boolean = true
var hasData = true var firstName: string = 'John'
var lastName = 'Papa'

Arrays and Indexers

var names: string[] = ['John', 'Dan', 'Aaron', 'Fritz']

var firstPerson: string
firstPerson = names[0]

Null and Undefined

var num: number = null
var str: string = null
var isHappy: boolean = null
var customer: {} = null var age: number;
var customer = undefined var quantity: number
var company = undefined


// object
var square = { h: 10, w: 20 }
var points: Object = { x: 10, y: 20 } // function
var multiply = function (x: number) {
return x * x
} var multiplyMore: Function;
multiplyMore = function (x: number) {
return x * *



var myFunc = function (h: number, w:number) {
return h * w
} var myFunc = (h: number, w: number) => h * w // Void (Used as the return type for functions that return no value) var greetMe : (msg: string) => void greetMe = function (msg) {
} greetMe('Hello!')

Function Interface

interface SquareFunction {
// 接收一个number类型参数,返回一个number类型的值
(x: number): number
} var squareItBasic: SquareFunction = num => num * num
interface Rectangle {
h: number
w?: number
} squareIt: (react: Rectangle) => number

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