Error when launching Quest Central for DB2: "QCC10000E - Unable to allocate environment handle fo
Error when launching Quest Central for DB2: "QCC10000E - Unable to allocate environment handle fo说明
Error when launching Quest Central for DB2: "QCC10000E - Unable to allocate environment handle for DBConnect".
Windows system path does not have the IBM\SQLLIB\BIN in front of the path.
Move the C:\PROGRAM Files\IBM\SQLLIB\BIN to the beginning for the system path by taking the following steps:
1) Right-click on My Computer.
2) Select Properties | Advanced | Environment variables.
3) Under "System variables" select "path".
4) Move the "C:\PROGRAM Files\IBM\SQLLIB\BIN" to the front of the path.Note: Make sure to backup the original path before making any changes.
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