

1 Boundary conditions


1.1 Neumann boudary condition vs Dirichlet BC

for Neumann BC, the normal derivative of a variable is prescribed For, Dirichlet BC, the value of a variable ( velocity, pressure, etc_ is prescribed

1.2 wall

1.3 inlet

1.4 outlet

1.5 symmetry


1.5.1 properties

  1. zero normal velocity at a symmetry plane
  2. zero normal gradients of all variables at a symmetry plane
  3. no convective flux
  4. no diffusion flux

1.6 periodic

1.7 outflow

outflow BC
the detail of the flow velocity and pressure are not known
(no term)
A zero diffusion flux for all flow variables.
(no term)
An overall mass balance correction.
(no term)
flow is assumed as fully-developed
(no term)
no any conditions at outflow boundaries
(no term)
the outflow information is extrapolated from the interior

limits: if the flow may produce a recirculation at the outlet or if the flow field is not stable and fully developed at the outlet, then a pressure outlet boundary condition is preferred.

Author: kaiming

Created: 2019-02-24 Sun 20:09

Emacs 24.5.1 (Org mode 8.2.10)


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