重构26-Remove Double Negative(去掉双重否定)
public class Order {
public void Checkout(List<Product> products, Customer customer) {
if (!customer.getNotFlagged()) {
// the customer account is flagged
// log some errors and return
// normal order processing
public class Customer {
public Double Balance;
public Boolean IsNotFlagged;
public Boolean getNotFlagged() {
return Balance < 30d;
public void setNotFlagged(Boolean notFlagged) {
IsNotFlagged = notFlagged;
public class Order {
public void Checkout(List<Product> products, Customer customer) {
if (customer.getFlagged()) {
// the customer account is flagged
// log some errors and return
// normal order processing
public class Customer {
public Double Balance;
public Boolean IsFlagged;
public Boolean getFlagged() {
return Balance < 30d;
public void setFlagged(Boolean Flagged) {
IsFlagged = Flagged;
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