June 1. 2018 Week 22nd Friday
What makes life dreary is the want of motive.
We all have dreams about our future, we all have expectations of what we are doing.
Sometimes, those dreams, those expectations might be the only things that give us the strength and believes that inspire us to further efforts.
But for many of us, if there is no effective motivation from outside, I mean, both material and spiritual ones, our efforts would not last too long.
As we all know, in most cases, motivation is the most significant predictor of success, and the longer we are in the career, the less important innate abilities are and the more important motivation becomes.
In other words, the most successful people just keep plugging away longer than others, because high motivation will ensure total preparation which will in turn ensure maximum performance and results.
So, how to find out the motivation? That would be a big problem, and I will give a presentation after I have some conclusions.
All grown-ups were once children... but only few of them remember it.
From Le Petit Prince.
There was a time when we all were once used to be child, so don't be afraid of tomorrow's sight, just believe that there must be good things in our life, and just do good deeds.
Life is only a test, our time will come after a little rest.
Even thought we will be buried in a grave and will become a dust in the end, we still strive to achieve some things so that we can live in other's memory after death.
Keep a pure heart, keep curious about life, and try best to be man of conviction and passion.
Our days will come, will come.
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