February 11th, 2018 Week 7th Sunday
Grasp all, lose all.
Not to be greedy and not to try to get everything.
Our time, energy and wisdom are all limited, if we want too much, we probably get nothing eventually, so why not hold our own in our real inclination, and place single-minded efforts to do it, then it is possible to be successful.
Sometimes, if we try to grasp many things at a time, we may even lose what we already have.
It is pretty good to be ambitious to succeed in life, but we should not be too greedy.
Being ambitious and being greedy are totally different things.
Ambition really can bring successes in life, while greed culminates in loss.
If we always embark on a lot of enterprises at the same time, we may not be able to concentrate on any of them and consequently fail in all those events.
Rather to get one thing done, not to have thousands of starts.
Definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievement.
From W. Clement Stone.
Great ideas need landing gear as well as wings.
We all long to attain some achievements, we all want to push ourselves to be the best we could be.
The sense of personal achievement, can promote us towards greater future successes.
But how to?
It won't work if we don't have some definite purpose, even if we work very hard, it may turn out to be just in vain in the end.
So, before we figure out our next actions, it would help a lot to first find some worthy purpose.
For example, what would be the thing that can take us out of the bed in the morning and get us fired up for our day?
Once we know our purpose, big or small, it is easier to know what to do and how to realize them, and we can know how to funnel our time, energy and efforts into things that really matter to us.
So, think about what kind of person I want to be and what kind of achievement I want to get in the short time as well as in the long time.
A qualified coder, a system architect?
Yes, I want to be excellent in my fields, at least, I want to produce some worthy and helpful outcomes for my team.
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