The later parts of this guide provide an in-depth discussion of the framework architecture and implementation classes, which you need to understand if you want to do any serious customization. In this part, we’ll introduce Spring Security 4.0, give a brief overview of the project’s history and take a slightly gentler look at how to get started using the framework.

本指南的后面部分提供了对框架体系结构和实现类的深入讨论,如果要进行任何严格的自定义,则需要了解这些内容。在这一部分中,我们将介绍Spring Security 4.0,简要介绍一下该项目的历史,并稍微了解一下如何开始使用该框架。
In particular, we’ll look at namespace configuration which provides a much simpler way of securing your application compared to the traditional Spring bean approach where you have to wire up all the implementation classes individually.
特别是,我们将看一下命名空间配置,与传统的Spring bean方法相比,它提供了一种更简单的方法来保护您的应用程序,在传统的Spring bean方法中,您必须单独连接所有实现类。
We’ll also take a look at the sample applications that are available. It’s worth trying to run these and experimenting with them a bit even before you read the later sections - you can dip back into them as your understanding of the framework increases.
我们还将查看可用的示例应用程序。在您阅读后面的章节之前,尝试运行这些并尝试使用它们是值得的 - 您可以回顾它们,因为您对框架的理解会增加。
Please also check out the project website as it has useful information on building the project, plus links to articles, videos and tutorials.

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