
A linked list is given such that each node contains an additional random pointer which could point to any node in the list or null.

Return a deep copy of the list.





var data = {
}; data.rand = data.next.next;
data.next.rand = null;
data.next.next.rand = null;
data.next.next.next.rand = data; const copyRandomList = function(head){
if(head === null){
return null;
let cur = head;
let next = null; while(cur !== null){
next = cur.next;
cur.next = {};
cur.next.next = next;
cur = next;
} cur = head;
let curCopy = null; while(cur !== null){
next = cur.next.next;
curCopy = cur.next;
curCopy.val = cur.val;
curCopy.rand = (function(){
if(cur.rand !== null){
// cur.rand是正本,cur.rand.next是副本,所以返回的是副本指向
return cur.rand.next;
} return null;
cur = next;
} let res = head.next;
cur = head; while(cur !== null){
next = cur.next.next;
curCopy = cur.next;
cur.next = next;
curCopy.next = (function(){
if(next !== null){
return next.next;
} return null;
cur =next;
} return res;
}; var result = copyRandomList(data);

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