1. JS循环中使用bind函数的参数传递问题,问题代码如下:
    for (var sc in result) {
  2. var tempp = '<div class="sidebar_todo_temp">' +
  3. '<img src="grpcd/common/img/close_s.png">' +
  4. '<p class="senderman">' +
  5. result[sc].senderuser +
  6. '</p>' +
  7. '<p class="vtitle">' +
  8. result[sc].title +
  9. '</p>' +
  10. '<p class="senddate">' +
  11. fommatDate(result[sc].sendtime) +
  12. '</p>' +
  13. '</div>';
  14. var pp = $(tempp);
  15. pp.hover(
  16. function() {
  17. $(this).find('p').css('background-color', '#2C2424');
  18. },
  19. function() {
  20. $(this).find('p').css('background-color', '#666666');
  21. }
  22. );
  24. $("#sidebar_todo_area").append(pp);
  25. pp.bind('click', function() {
  26. var opt = {
  27. num: 400,
  28. title: "页签",
  29. imgsrc: "",
  30. url: "workflow/towfdeal.do?recordid=" + result[sc].recordid + "&nid=" + result[sc].nid + "&checkflowid=" + result[sc].id + "&inforid=" + result[sc].inforid+"&taskid=" + result[sc].taskid,
  31. width: 300,
  32. height: 300,
  33. circleurl: "",
  34. preloading: 0
  35. };
  36. Core.createPageNC(opt);
  37. });
  38. }


  1. for (var sc in result) {
  2. var tempp = '<div class="sidebar_todo_temp">' +
  3. '<img src="grpcd/common/img/close_s.png">' +
  4. '<p class="senderman">' +
  5. result[sc].senderuser +
  6. '</p>' +
  7. '<p class="vtitle">' +
  8. result[sc].title +
  9. '</p>' +
  10. '<p class="senddate">' +
  11. fommatDate(result[sc].sendtime) +
  12. '</p>' +
  13. '</div>';
  14. var pp = $(tempp);
  15. pp.hover(
  16. function() {
  17. $(this).find('p').css('background-color', '#2C2424');
  18. },
  19. function() {
  20. $(this).find('p').css('background-color', '#666666');
  21. }
  22. );
  23. var urll="workflow/towfdeal.do?recordid=" + result[sc].recordid + "&nid=" + result[sc].nid + "&checkflowid=" + result[sc].id + "&inforid=" + result[sc].inforid+"&taskid=" + result[sc].taskid;
  24. var numm=result[sc].taskid;
  25. alert(numm);
  26. var opt = {
  27. num: numm,
  28. title: "页签",
  29. imgsrc: "",
  30. url: urll,
  31. width: 300,
  32. height: 300,
  33. circleurl: "",
  34. preloading: 0
  35. };
  36. $("#sidebar_todo_area").append(pp);
  37. pp.bind('click', opt,function(e) {
  38. Core.createPageNC(e.data);
  39. });
  40. }


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