from __future__ import print_function
from types import NoneType __author__ = "Shamim Hasnath"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2013, Shamim Hasnath"
__license__ = "BSD License"
__version__ = "1.0.1" TAB_SIZE = 4 infs = [] def display(o, space, num, key, typ):
st = ""
l = []
if key:
if typ is dict:
st += " " * space + "['%s'] => "
st += " " * space + "%s => "
elif space > 0:
st += " " * space + "[%d] => "
else: # at the very start
st += "#%d "
l.append(num) if type(o) in (tuple, list, dict, int, str, float, long, bool, NoneType, unicode):
st += "%s(%s) "
l.append(type(o).__name__) if type(o) in (int, float, long, bool, NoneType):
l.append(len(o)) if type(o) in (str, unicode):
st += '"%s"'
l.append(o) elif isinstance(o, object):
st += "object(%s) (%d)"
l.append(len(getattr(o, '__dict__', {}))) #print(st % tuple(l))
infs.append(st % tuple(l)) def display_s(o, space, num, key, typ):
st = ""
l = []
if key:
if typ is dict:
st += " " * space + "['%s']=>"
st += " " * space + "%s=>"
# elif space > 0:
# st += " " * space + "[%d] => "
# l.append(num)
# else: # at the very start
# st += "#%d "
# l.append(num) if type(o) in (tuple, list, dict, int, str, float, long, bool, NoneType, unicode):
st += "%s"
# l.append(type(o).__name__) if type(o) in (int, float, long, bool, NoneType):
l.append('') if type(o) in (str, unicode):
st += '"%s"'
l.append(o) elif isinstance(o, object):
st += "%s"
# l.append(len(getattr(o, '__dict__', {}))) #print(st % tuple(l))
infs.append(st % tuple(l)) def dump(o, space, num, key, typ): if type(o) in (str, int, float, long, bool, NoneType, unicode):
display(o, space, num, key, typ) elif isinstance(o, object):
display(o, space, num, key, typ)
num = 0
if type(o) in (tuple, list, dict):
typ = type(o) # type of the container of str, int, long, float etc
elif isinstance(o, object):
o = getattr(o, '__dict__', {})
typ = object
for i in o:
space += TAB_SIZE
if type(o) is dict:
dump(o[i], space, num, i, typ)
dump(i, space, num, '', typ)
num += 1
space -= TAB_SIZE def dump_s(o, space, num, key, typ): if type(o) in (str, int, float, long, bool, NoneType, unicode):
display_s(o, space, num, key, typ) elif isinstance(o, object):
display_s(o, space, num, key, typ)
num = 0
if type(o) in (tuple, list, dict):
typ = type(o) # type of the container of str, int, long, float etc
elif isinstance(o, object):
o = getattr(o, '__dict__', {})
typ = object
for i in o:
space += TAB_SIZE
if type(o) is dict:
dump_s(o[i], space, num, i, typ)
dump_s(i, space, num, '', typ)
num += 1
space -= TAB_SIZE def _get_space_num(s):
i = 0
for c in s:
if c == ' ':
s = s[i:]
return i,s def var_dump(*obs):
shows structured information of a object, list, tuple etc
global infs
infs = []
i = 0
for x in obs:
dump(x, 0, i, '', object)
i += 1
for inf in infs:
print(inf) def var_dump_s(*obs):
shows structured information of a object, list, tuple etc
global infs
infs = []
i = 0
for x in obs:
dump_s(x, 0, i, '', object)
i += 1
strs = []
bsn = 0
for inf in infs:
sn, s = _get_space_num(inf)
if sn > bsn:
if sn < bsn:
strs.append('}, ')
if sn == bsn and sn != 0:
strs.append(', ')
bsn = sn
while bsn > 0:
bsn = bsn - TAB_SIZE return ''.join(strs)


from var_dump import *

class A:
def __init__(self,aa,bb):
self.a = aa
self.b = bb def pa(self):
print(self.a,self.b) class B:
def __init__(self):
self.y = 13423
self.g = 'sdsdsds'
self.ob = A(223,454)
a = A(3,4) a = B()
s = var_dump_s(a)


# object(B) ()
y => int()
ob => object(A) ()
a => int()
b => int()
g => str() "sdsdsds"
B{y=>, ob=>A{a=>, b=>}, g=>"sdsdsds"}


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