A great forest is set on fire by a small spark.


It is just a spark, but it is enough to light the way forward for me.

It is just a spark, but it is enough to light a great fire.

It is just a spark, but if I can notice it, take care of it, and continually add fuels to it, I believe it can ignite my passion and keep me moving on.

Don't ignore the power of inspiration from those ttrivial thoughts, sometimes they are the start points of great achievements and striking discoveries.

We have heard people say many times that something just comes to them in a flash moment, but they didn't take those ideas seriously and therefore they missed some valuable opportunities.

And sometimes a small idea or seemingly meaningless thought may cross our minds about something we have been planning to accomplish, but we ignore them.

Then after days, even years of struggles, we may find that those small flashing ideas may be the very things we have always pursued for.

But great achievements and discoveries never come in blinding flashes or as the results of some dramatic accidents, most of them come from persistent explorations and researches.

Be patient, and try to improve the ways, try to make our learning and exploration more effective.

I believe we can build up a set of complete and systematic tool-chains for our work.

That is the foundation, it must be solid enough.

Do what is right, not what is easy nor what is popular.


From Roy T. Bennett.

But how to identify what is right, and what is easy, or what is popular?

It is not a easy work, and it requires knowledge and experience.

Sometimes the popular ones may be the right ones, but we must make ours a little bit unique.

Just a little bit may be enought, don't expect you can get some starling discoveries in one trying.

Life is not easy, but it is not hard either.

It depends on your choice, there are too many things we can get if we are willing to devote a little more.

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